Connectivity: How to Get organized 2nd Annual SoVermont Connectivity Summit November 30, 2018 Laura Sibilia, Director of Regional Strategies, Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation
“we need broadband and cell” No, seriously, we mean it. And so do we. Us too. Don’t forget us!
I’m Sorry, but No one is coming to save your town FCC Technology Market Global Innovation 5G networks Capitalism
It’s up to you.
Start at the end and build your plan back to front
Gather your team Find a way for everyone to help research|advocacy|finance|PR|legal
Regional Organizations Communicate: Selectboard Townspeople Neighbors Providers Regional Organizations Policymakers
Get Support for your team
Gather your research: what Do Your people want?
Gather your research: What/Who do you have?
Gather your research: what have others done / doing?
Regional Organizations Communicate: Selectboard Townspeople Neighbors Providers Regional Organizations Policymakers
Identify your tools and partners Planning help Department of Public Service: Maps, Connectivity Fund, Connections, RPC with providers and planning technical assistance Other Town Operators Legal Structures Title 30: Public Service Municipal Telecom Union Districts Communications Union Districts REDI District Providers Telephone Cable Wireless VELCO Financial Self Investing Bonding Grants Subscribers Loans Identify your tools and partners
Engineering Cost Construction Operation Sales Operation or Partner Can your model pay staff? Pay for improvements? Financing Maintenance, Upgrading, Sales, Billing, Customer Service
Fund and ImplEment your plan
Regional Organizations Communicate: Selectboard Townspeople Neighbors Providers Regional Organizations Policymakers