Kabinkový systém electrically powered - 2kW continuous electrically powered - 2kW continuous four person (maximum) vehicles gross weight 800kg maximum speed 25mph (40kph)
costs 1/10 of a motorway lane uses 1/4 of the land An guideway has the same capacity as a motorway lane (1800 vehicles / hour) yet: costs 1/10 of a motorway lane uses 1/4 of the land Average speeds in city centres are typically 13 kph ULTra average speed is about 40 kph, three times faster ULTra journeys are non-stop; stations are off line so that stopping vehicles do not impede other traffic Typical waiting times for buses are 6 minutes more than 80% of ULTra passengers have no waiting time 95% of all ULTra passengers will wait less than 1 minute, even at peak times Uses less energy per passenger km 75% less energy per passenger km than a car less than 50% of the energy per passenger km of a bus 80% less energy per passenger km than a tram or light rail system http://www.atsltd.co.uk/
Malé kabinky http://www.skywebexpress.com/
„RUF” Rapid Urban flexible http://vinnova.se/publ/pdf/vr-01-03.pdf
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