‘Prefixes im – in - miss’ Year Six Week 9 Focus ‘Prefixes im – in - miss’
The Rule number prefixes – Prefixes are morphographs that begin at the start of a word. All morphographs have meaning. These prefixes represent: in – means ‘not’ e.g. incorrect = not correct. mis – means ‘wrong’ e.g. misplace = put in the wrong place. im – means ‘not’ e.g. impatient = not patient.
imperfect impolite
impatient immature
imbalance immobile
immoveable misplace
misfortune mislead
misunderstand indignity
indirect inaccurate
invisible incorrect
incomplete inadequate
independent intolerable
imperfect i-m-p-e-r-f-e-c-t Sounds: 9 Syllables: im / per / fect = 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: im / per / fect = 3
impolite i-m-p-o-l-i-t-e Sounds: 8 Syllables: im / po / lite = 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: im / po / lite = 3
impatient i-m-p-a-t-ie-n-t Sounds: 8 Digraphs: ie (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: ie Syllables: im / pa / tient = 3
imbalance i-m-b-a-l-a-n-c-e Sounds: 9 Syllables: im / bal/ ance = 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: im / bal/ ance = 3
immature i-m-m-a-t-u-r-e Sounds: 8 Syllables: im / ma / ture = 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: im / ma / ture = 3
immobile i-m-m-o-b-i-le Sounds: 7 Digraphs: le (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: le Syllables: im / mo / bile = 2
immovable i-m-m-o-v-a-b-le Sounds: 8 Digraphs: le (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: le Syllables: im / move / a / ble = 4
misplace m-i-s-p-l-a-c-e Sounds: 8 Syllables: mis / place = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: mis / place = 2
misfortune m-i-s-f-o-r-t-u-n-e Sounds: 10 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: mis / for / tune = 3
mislead m-i-s-l-e-a-d Sounds: 7 Syllables: mis/ lead = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: mis/ lead = 2
misunderstand m-i-s-u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d Sounds: 13 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: mis / un / der / stand = 4
indignity i-n-d-i-g-n-i-t-y Sounds: 9 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: in / dig / ni / ty = 4
indirect i-n-d-i-r-e-c-t Sounds: 8 Syllables: in / di / rect = 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: in / di / rect = 3
inaccurate i-n-a-c-c-u-r-a-t-e Sounds: 10 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: in / ac / cu / rate = 4
invisible i-n-v-i-s-i-b-le Sounds: 8 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: le Syllables: in / vi / si / ble = 4
incorrect i-n-c-o-r-r-e-c-t Sounds: 9 Syllables: in / cor / rect = 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: in / cor / rect = 3
incomplete i-n-c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e Sounds: 10 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: in / com / plete = 3
inadequate i-n-a-d-e-qu-a-t-e Sounds: 10 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: in / ad / e / quate = 4
independent i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t Sounds: 11 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: in / de / pen / dent = 4
intolerable i-n-t-o-l-e-r-a-b-le Sounds: 10 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraph: le Syllables: in / to / ler / a/ ble = 5
Prefixes im, mis, in imperfect misunderstand impolite indignity impatient indirect imbalance inaccurate immature invisible immobile incorrect immovable incomplete misplace inadequate misfortune independent mislead intolerable
Meanings imperfect impolite impatient imbalance immature immobile immovable misplace misfortune mislead misunderstand indignity indirect inaccurate invisible incorrect incomplete inadequate independent intolerable
Meanings match Meanings here Words here so teachers can draw a line together as a class to match them up