TRACES Datawarehouse CHED-PP Rolling(s) from TRACES-NT and TRACES


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Presentation transcript:

TRACES Datawarehouse CHED-PP Rolling(s) from TRACES-NT and TRACES Working Group 5th February 2018 SANTE BI

Traces Working Group 5th February 2018 The ways to TRACES datawarehouse From TRACES (as usual) From TRACES-NT (EU Login) Two; TRACES, sites  same documents One CHEDPP for each TRACES-NT and TRACES Near future - EU Login from all TRACES CHED-PP Rolling TNTDW – the document

TRACES Datawarehouse from TRACES

TRACES Datawarehouse from TRACES-NT

TRACES Datawarehouse from TRACES-NT Out In

Two: TRACES, sites  same documents

Two: TRACES, sites  same documents

One CHEDPP_Rolling for each TRACES-NT , TRACES

Near future, EU login from all TRACES

CHEDPP_Rolling TNTDW - 1st a language

CHEDPP_Rolling TNTDW – 2d the workspace

CHEDPP_Rolling TNTDW - Part I, II, III

CHEDPP_Rolling TNTDW - Overview

CHEDPP_Rolling TNTDW - Plant Products


CHEDPP_Rolling TNTDW – Quick information Display New fields available soon with v1.03

CHEDPP_Rolling TNTDW QiD - Fields reported from Part I, II, III

CHEDPP_Rolling TNTDW – About
