When I Choose What Is Right https://pixabay.com/en/decision-choice-path-road-1697537/
Modern Confusion
When I Choose What Is Right Must be by faith Rom. 10:17 without faith, God is not pleased Heb. 11:6 why do right without faith? I. Must be by faith Rom. 10:17 A. Doing right without faith does not please God Heb. 11:6 1. Fear God and keep His command. (Eccl. 12:13; Acts 10:34-35). B. Why would some do right but not in faith? 1. Personal gain (Acts 5 A&S [worship for show]; Phil. 1:15-17) 2. Coincides with personal will (Pharaoh freed Jews Ex. 12:31; stop drinking for health sake; no forn but “to each his own”)
When I Choose What Is Right I please God Our aim and duty 2 Cor. 5:9; Eccl. 12:13 Some aim to please self (Mt. 16:24) Some aim to please others (Gal. 1:10) Jn. 12:42-43 II. I am pleasing God (Heb. 11:6a) A. What is my: aim? 2 Cor. 5:9 duty? Eccl. 12:13 1. When are our children’s lives smoother---seeking to please parents or self? 2. Are you humbled by the fact that God, who has created and sees all things, receives joy from your life when you view pleasing Him as your aim and duty? 3. Do you see the wisdom and satisfaction that comes by learning to enjoy what God enjoys? B. vs aim to please self 1. God knew that His laws would cause inner conflict for those following them Mt 16:24 2. God is training us to realize that the best thing we can do for ourselves is to learn to please God and to enjoy pleasing God. a. are you putting off the sins that you were so attached to simply because they pleased you (lies, sexual sin). b. we have a challenge to keep a different aim and duty than we once did. C. vs aim to please others Gal. 1:10 1. Our society is suffering from parents who have not learned the value of limiting, directing, and displeasing their children a. excerpt from The Collapse of Parenting, p3 b. it doesn’t take a Ph.D to recognize this problem 1 Kg. 1:6 (1 Sam. 3:13; Pr 19:18; 23:13; 29:15) 2. In a society that aims at customized, individualized, multi-option living, this transfers to people’s spiritual thinking and lives a. do you prefer the 8AM or 10AM assembly? c. instrumental or non-instr? b. traditional or contemporary assembly? d. pouring – sprinkle – immerse? ever offer wipe or drink? 3. Refuse to speak what we know is true b/c it is not what ____ wants to hear. Jn. 12:42-43 (2 Tim. 4:2-3)
When I Choose What Is Right I am blessed Ps. 1:1-3; Mt. 11:28-30; Heb. 11:24-26; 2 Thess. 1:6-7 III. I am blessed A. God is able to “overcompensate” Ps. 1:1-3 1. who are these people? Gangs, drug dealers? Buddies watching filthy movie, dishonest co-workers 2. God can provide so much more than what you miss by being with them when they meet to sin. B. Mt. 11:28-30 what blessing is sweeter than a calmed, cleansed conscience---recall the misery of guilt? C. Receive greater riches Heb. 11:24-26 1. what treasures did Moses receive by leaving Egypt? reproach 2. Do you understand why reproach can be “riches”? D. Final reward 2 Thess. 1:6-7 don't rest now, accept that we will be “troubled,” there is a promised rest
When I Choose What Is Right Opportunities to teach others in word 1 Pet. 3:15 in deed 1 Pet. 3:1 IV. Opportunities to teach others (Matt. 5:13-16; Acts 18:27-28; 1 Pet. 2:11-12; 4:4; 1 Tim. 4:16) A. By Word 1. Explain your decision, when there is an opportunity Heb. 11:24-26 a. Moses didn't 'slip off one night' – not ashamed of his decision. Do same! b. Moses was not self-confident, he was being holy. Do same! 2. Others will hear and ask: “Why did you do that, why weren't you there?” = 1 Pet. 3:15 B. “Without A Word,” by deed 1 Pet. 3:1 - here, of people who have heard---either know or ought to know 1. Make no mistake--what we say to others matters; “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one” is foolish—God decided we need both. 2. God’s word is powerful, but part of what makes God so powerful is the consistency of His deeds 3. Just as hypocrisy can destroy the influence of good words, when we do right, it strengthens the influence of our words more than we can realize.