Summer Soccer Tourney Rig Santiago Johnny Emmanuel
Personal Selling Soccer Sell tickets For tourney Rig
About our event Selling tickets for the soccer tournament IN the cafeteria To sell tickets to go to tourney Very last week of school Oiler vision are going to show leading up to the week so we can sell it.
Advertising Promoting the fund raiser We would try and put it over the radio and tell our friends to come. To promote the fundraiser The summer By going to people and giving announcements.
Direct Marketing Soccer Tournamnet Malls streets Sell tickets directly Summer Go outside and find people your self and sell them tickets.
Sales Promotion Soccer tournament At the rig Raising money for school During the summer on a 3 day weekend Through social media
Public Relations Selling Tickets to public Cafteria and online To fund raise for school Summer We are going to put it on the tweeter and also oiler vision