Providing Framework for Success Max-Peter Ratzel Director of Europol 04 March 2008, Liverpool
Combating serious organised crime Origin for Europol High priority on national agendas on international agendas for Europol The Hague Programme
Common framework Common framework is needed for analysing OC coherent response common priority setting
Law enforcement international cooperation Multilateral cooperation is a prerequisite, based on common understanding mutual trust
Europol - multilateral cooperation forum Information exchange Info-Exchange Liaison Officers Information storage and retrieval IS AWF Crime Analysis Strategic Operational Training and expertise JITs
Europol – links beyond EU 27 EU MS, linked to 13 partner states 7 EU institutions 3 International organisations → Possibility to associate partners to AWF
OCTA – Background Political mandate Intelligence Led Policing The Hague Programme Intelligence Led Policing OCTA → ECIM → UK presidency II/2005
OCTA – Methodology Data collection plan Typology collating Indicators Facilitating factors Regions and hubs Data analysis Findings Priority setting by the JHA Council
OCTA – Development OCTA 2006 OCTA 2007 OCTA 2008
OCTA 2006 Effective layout and content Horizontal approach to OC Key indicators for OC groups Horizontal approach to OC Facilitating factors → Common understanding of OC across the EU
OCTA 2007 Complex conceptual model Clearer typology Key indicators: OC groups perspective Facilitating factors: criminal markets perspective Criminal hubs: dynamic relationship between the regions Clearer typology Ethnic-based view functionally oriented approach EU-based Non-EU based In-between
OCTA 2008 New section on money laundering Three-tier level assessment OC groups Crime areas Hubs Shift of focus Developing applying the conceptual model Same tools (indicators and facilitating factors) used from the 3 complementary perspectives
Operation Tangelo, 2007 Investigation led by UK Customs Services Online OC entity engaged in ML / MTIC Analytical and technical support by Europol Links to AWF Smoke Links to IR and BE operations Europol Mobile Office set up in the UK
Tangelo – Results Results of the operation, November 2007 34 house searches Arrest of 5 main targets Seizure of evidence Asset freezing
Conlusions Use Europol for data exchange Use Europol for crime analysis Contribute to OCTA Implement priorities Initiate JITs → Europol and Eurojust to be involved
Thank you for your attention Max-Peter Ratzel Director of Europol