1A 2A 4A Objectives: Catalyst: 8.31-9.4 Discuss ideas collaboratively. Compose short outlines according to AP expectations. Catalyst: Grab a Chromebook. Reading quizzzzz. Pick up summer reading materials 8.31-9.4 Homework for next class: Candide assessment Get Native Son (soon) 1A 2A 4A
Agenda: Perrine’s reading check (4 mins.) Complete MC diagnostic consensus/discussion/answers (10 mins.) Candide assessment “review”(50 mins.) Assessment expectations (5 mins.)
Process for Collaborative Groups: Quickly move (we don’t have time for you to wander) Turn your desks TOWARD each other (DO NOT DRAG THEM OR I WILL GIVE A ZERO IN THE GRADEBOOK FOR FUNSIES) You will discuss the text – not whatever the latest Snapchat feed included You will not assault each other to try to get to the tables You will be mature and respectful
20 detail-specific questions 20 minutes (timer posted) About the test (50 formal points): Multiple choice 20 detail-specific questions 20 minutes (timer posted) Turn that portion in Essay No pseudonyms yet Must use blue/black ink Suggested work time: 2-3 minutes for working the prompt/plan 30-ish minutes for writing 4-5 minutes for revision
Individual: Find the list of potential FRQ years on Google Classroom. In your composition notebook, write the years for 5 you think would work for Candide. Star or circle one out of those 5 as your favorite. Collaborative: Find common ground on prompt years (I’ll ask each group to provide one potential prompt year for the test.) Compose, as a group, a 10-7-5-3-1. Create a skeleton outline (basic - not crazy elaborate) 10 universal, specific textual references-events 7 characters who will force their way into your essay (5 musts, two diamonds) 5 significant character thoughts, realizations, or decisions 3 undeniably universal quotes from the text 1 theme that brings all of the above together in any number of ways (MOWAW!)
Potential Prompt Years: 1B 3B 1982 1991 1987 2010 2008 2012 1995 2015 1999
For this test only and never again, I will allow you to bring: 3x5 notecard on test day (turned in with test) front and back What you might include: quotes/insight thesis statements your own materials no full composition I will check it before the test and take it up when you’re done.