Erik Åkesson Information search EU Law Erik Åkesson Photo: looking4poetrylooking4poetry
Erik Åkesson Treaty of Lisbon Before the Treaty of Lisbon: Three pillar structure EC law After Lisbon: EU law
Erik Åkesson Types of documents Sector 1: Primary law – treaties Sector 2: International agreements Sector 3: Secondary law – legislative acts adopted by the organisations Sector 6: Case law
Erik Åkesson Sources EUR-Lex Pre-Lex Oeil – legal observatory Curia
Erik Åkesson Primary law EU Treaty (Maastricht Treaty) Functioning Treaty - Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (EC Treaty, Rome Treaty) Euratom Treaty Amending treaties Treaty of Lisbon – new amending treaty Treaties in EUR-LexEUR-Lex
Erik Åkesson Secondary law Regulations Directives Decisions Recommendations and Opinions
Erik Åkesson Legislative process COM-documents legislative proposals from the Commission Ordinary procedure Special procedures
Erik Åkesson Official Journal Decisions are published in the Official Journal Series L: legislation Series C: information and notices
Erik Åkesson Ways of referencing the acts Data Retention Directive Directive on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks 2006/24/EC (document number, after Lisbon: 2010/18/EU) 32006L0024 (CELEX number) OJ L 105, , p
Erik Åkesson Case law Court of Justice (1953-) General Court (Court of first instance) (1989-) Civil service tribunal (2005-)
Erik Åkesson Literature References to commentary in the bibliographic notice in EUR-Lex Library catalogues (JULIA, LIBRIS) Article databases (Westlaw International, Google Scholar)