How to make a quote sandwich
A quote sandwich has 3 main parts Context Quote Analysis
An example of a quote sandwich Early in chapter one, George becomes upset whebn Lennie carries a dead mouse in his pocket. George says “I ain’t takin it away jus for meanness. That mouse ain’t fresh, Lennie, and besides, you’ve broke it pettin it (Steinbeck 9).From this I can infer that while Lennie’s child-like actions frustrate George, on another level George cares about his friend’s health and well being. By the end of the chapter, Steinbeck seems to be saying that friendship is…
1. Context Where in the story the quote is from Which character said or thought it What is happening at that moment (plot!) Example: Early in chapter one, George becomes upset whebn Lennie carries a dead mouse in his pocket. George says “I ain’t takin it away jus for meanness. That mouse ain’t fresh, Lennie, and besides, you’ve broke it pettin it (Steinbeck 9).From this I can infer that while Lennie’s child-like actions frustrate George, on another level George cares about his friend’s health and well being. By the end of the chapter, Steinbeck seems to be saying that friendship is…
2. Quote Should not be too long Should not merely state a fact Must be punctuated correctly Must be followed by the correct citation Example: Early in chapter one, George becomes upset whebn Lennie carries a dead mouse in his pocket. George says “I ain’t takin it away jus for meanness. That mouse ain’t fresh, Lennie, and besides, you’ve broke it pettin it (Steinbeck 9). From this I can infer that while Lennie’s child-like actions frustrate George, on another level George cares about his friend’s health and well being. By the end of the chapter, Steinbeck seems to be saying that friendship is…
2.5 Punctuating the quote Mr. Clawson says, “the quote will start with a lower case letter if you lead into it” (Steinbeck 4). The author and page/paragraph number will be in parenthesis after the quote. The period goes after the parenthesis.
3. Analysis Your interpretation Explain how it proves your point Describe what the quote reveals Example: Early in chapter one, George becomes upset whebn Lennie carries a dead mouse in his pocket. George says “I ain’t takin it away jus for meanness. That mouse ain’t fresh, Lennie, and besides, you’ve broke it pettin it (Steinbeck 9).From this I can infer that while Lennie’s child-like actions frustrate George, on another level George cares about his friend’s health and well being. By the end of the chapter, Steinbeck seems to be saying that friendship is…
Quote Sandwich…mmm…delicious! This example was a very simple version of a quote sandwich. The context, quote, and analysis can, and often will be, more than one sentence each. The main purpose of quoting is to support your analysis.