Clinical Pharmacy in the Belgian Hospitals National Pilot Project Objectives of the Project Introduction : Pharmaceutical care has been recognised by the Belgian legislator as a core task of the pharmacist since 1 Mai Since 2007, a budget to this effect is made available by the federal authorities for the organisation of clinical pharmacy in Belgian hospitals. Definition : Clinical pharmacy is the commitment of the pharmacist and of the clinical pharmacist to optimise the therapy plan of the patient, in collaboration with other care providers. 2 Aim : The pilot project has to demonstrate the impact of clinical pharmacy services on patient care and hospital finances in a group of selected hospitals. Raoul Degives - Hugo Robays - Ludo Willems Network Medical Pharmaceutical Committees | FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment Eurostation II - 1D269 | Place Victor Horta 40 box 10 | B-1060 Brussels | | Processing the Data of the Activity Reports Development, Implementation and Evaluation of the Activity of Clinical Pharmacy through the Results of 54 Pilot Projects Conclusion The intervention of the clinical pharmacist shows that clinical pharmacy has become an essential link in every policy aiming at the continuity of health care. Method Developing, implementing and assessing clinical pharmacy is a process of change, the effects of which being identified through: activity reports, periodical registrations and targeted indicators the exchange of experience and presentation of model projects swot analysis and important conclusions tools provided by the collected case reports and the summarised indicators into five areas: clinical, service, team, process and financial indicators References [1] Law of 1 May 2006 modifying the Royal Decree No. 78 of 10 November 1967 relating to the practice of health care professions, published in Belgium's Official Journal on 13 July [2] B. CLAUS, A-S FRANKI en H. ROBAYS (eds.), Uw pil onze farmaceutische zorg, 10 jaar klinische farmacie Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, Gent, Academia Press, 2010, 13. Results The pilot projects start a process of change within the hospital organisation with a conscious vision development around a secure, qualitative and cost-controlled pharmaceutical care. The core competencies of the new hospital pharmacist have been named and a few activities of clinical pharmacy have already embedded in the present working process: drug anamneses, release letter... Data on hospital based clinical services that clinical pharmacists provide strongly suggest an increasingly positive effect on health are outcomes graphics : martine dhoore Maximising the clinical effect of medicines using the most effective treatment for each type of patient Minimising the risk of treatment induced adverse events by monitoring the therapy course and the patients compliance therapy Minimising the expenditure for pharmacological treatments trying to provide the best treatment alternative for the greatest number of patients 12 January 2012