GTR Corrections, Open Points, Expert Proposals and Confirmations in GTR 15 February 5, 2015
Annex 8 Pure and hybrid electric vehicles February 5, 2015
Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, §1.6. GTR Text: Expert approval required Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, §1.6. GTR Text: 1.6. OVC-HEVs. NOVC-HEVs and PEVs with manual transmissions shall be driven according to the manufacturer’s instructions, as incorporated in the manufacturer's handbook of production vehicles and indicated by a technical gear shift instrument. OPEN POINT. 02.09.2014: Question from I. Riemersma: GSIs (= technical gear shift instrument) are not included in the GTR but rather the shift points described in Annex 2 are to be used. This point to be discussed in the appropriate meeting. STATUS AS OF 22.09.2014: Entered in the GTR requesting comments < 31.10.2014. February 5, 2015
Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, §2.3.3. GTR Text: Expert approval required Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, §2.3.3. GTR Text: EXPERT PROPOSAL: 30.10.2014. Japan proposes replacing "shall" with "may".. STATUS AS OF 16.11.2014: Entered in the GTR as an expert proposal. Subject not yet discussed with all contracting parties. February 5, 2015
Currently under discussion Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, OVC-HEV, CD test with no subsequent CS test, § GTR Text: EXPERT PROPOSAL from JAMA at IWG #8: Text proposal from drafting coordinator: The CD test shall be performed in the predominant mode. Should there be no predominant mode, the electric energy consumption shall be the average of that measured in the worst and best case. Optionally, the test may be performed in the highest energy consumption mode. February 5, 2015
Currently under discussion Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, OVC-HEV, CS test with no subsequent CD test , § GTR Text: EXPERT PROPOSAL from JAMA at IWG #8: Text proposal from drafting coordinator: The CS test shall be performed in the predominant mode. Should there be no predominant mode, the fuel consumption shall be the average of that measured in the worst and best case. Optionally, the test may be performed in the highest fuel consuming mode. February 5, 2015
Expert approval required to delete sentence Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, Charge-depleting cycle range (RCDC ), § GTR Text: EXPERT PROPOSAL: 30.10.2014. Japan proposes to delete the sentence as it is repeated in the previous part of the paragraph. STATUS AS OF 16.11.2014: Entered on 30.10.2014 in the GTR as an expert proposal. Subject not yet discussed with all contracting parties. February 5, 2015
Currently under discussion Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, NOVC-HEV, 3.3. NOVC-HEV, with and without driver-selectable operating modes GTR Text: EXPERT PROPOSAL from JAMA at IWG #8: This text to be inserted in §3.3. Text proposal from drafting coordinator: The CS test shall be performed in the predominant mode. Should there be no predominant mode, the fuel consumption shall be the average of that measured in the worst and best case. Optionally, the test may be performed in the highest fuel consuming mode. February 5, 2015
Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, PEVs, § Currently under discussion Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, PEVs, § GTR Text: EXPERT PROPOSAL from JAMA at IWG #8: Text proposal from drafting coordinator: The CD test shall be performed in the predominant mode. Should there be no predominant mode, the electric energy consumption shall be the average of that measured in the worst and best case. Optionally, the test may be performed in the highest energy consumption mode. February 5, 2015 07/04/2019 9
Confirmation Annex 8, Pure and HEVs, Charge-sustaining fuel consumption and CO2 emissions § GTR Text: EXPERT PROPOSAL: 30.10.2014: Rewrite of the sentence approved by ACEA and Japan. STATUS AS OF 16.11.2014: Entered on 30.10.2014 in the GTR as an expert proposal. Subject not yet discussed with all contracting parties. February 5, 2015
Annex 8, Appendix 2, Pure and HEVs, §2. 3. 3 Annex 8, Appendix 2, Pure and HEVs, §2.3.3., REESS charge balance correction GTR Text: EXPERT PROPOSAL: 30.10.2014. Japan proposes replacing "shall" with "may".. STATUS AS OF 16.11.2014: Entered on 30.10.2014 in the GTR as an expert proposal. Subject not yet discussed with all contracting parties. February 5, 2015
Expert approval required Annex 8, Appendix 2, Pure and HEVs, §3.1.1., REESS charge balance correction GTR Text: OPEN POINT: 30.10.2014: ACEA believes that this should be "is". Japan believes it should remain as "are" as separate emissions and fuel consumption correction factors shall be calculated for each phase of the WLTC and corrected to zero over each WLTC STATUS AS OF 16.11.2014: Entered on 30.10.2014 in the GTR as an open point. Subject not yet discussed with all contracting parties. February 5, 2015
Expert approval required Annex 8, Appendix 2, Pure and HEVs, §3.2.1., REESS charge balance correction GTR Text: OPEN POINT: 30.10.2014: ACEA believes that this should be "is". Japan believes it should remain as "are" as separate emissions and fuel consumption correction factors shall be calculated for each phase of the WLTC and corrected to zero over each WLTC phase. STATUS AS OF 16.11.2014: Entered on 30.10.2014 in the GTR as an open point. Subject not yet discussed with all contracting parties. February 5, 2015
Currently being processed by IWG Annex 8, Appendix 5, Pure and HEVs, §3., Utility factors, page 1 of 2 (see next page for larger snapshot) GTR Text: EXPERT PROPOSAL: 03.11.2014: Paragraph 3: Proposal from Japan. STATUS AS OF 16.11.2014: Entered on 03.11.2014 in the GTR as an expert proposal. Subject not yet discussed with all contracting parties. February 5, 2015
Currently being processed by IWG Annex 8, Appendix 5, Pure and hybrid electric vehicles: Utility factors (page 2 of 2) EXPERT PROPOSAL: 03.11.2014: Paragraph 3: Proposal from Japan. STATUS AS OF 16.11.2014: Entered on 03.11.2014 in the GTR as an expert proposal. Subject not yet discussed with all contracting parties. February 5, 2015
End February 5, 2015