Parent Information Night for Spanish Speaking Families
Welcome to WHES Introductions How to communicate with teachers and staff Attendance Understanding Report Cards EOGs- How to prepare and Understanding the Scores Free/ Reduced Lunch Applications ESL Services School Resources/ Academic Tools Community Resources Questions
Communication is the Key Please attend parent teacher conferences. If you cannot attend in person; we can conference by phone. Also, remember you can request a conference at any time during the year. Please check Communication Folders Weekly- Wednesdays. This folder contains academic and school updates. Checking this folder weekly communicates to the teacher that you are aware of what needs there may be. Not checking or emptying the folder appears as if you are not aware of the current needs of your student. Please feel free to call the school at any time you have questions, Ms. Esnedy Fermin, our interpreter, is here daily. We welcome all communication from families and want you to feel comfortable calling or sending in notes in Spanish.
Attendance is the key to success Make sure your child attends school daily and arrives on time. If you arrive after 8:15 your child is late. If your child has 10 or more tardies/check outs they will have to make up time afterschool- Tardy Party. If you child is absent, please send in a parent note or medical note within two days after your child returns to school. If the note isn't received within two days; It'll not be accepted and marked unexcused. If your child has more than 10 absences (excused/ unexcused) in a semester, CCS considers this excessive and may require medical notes for the remainder of the year. If your child is having difficulty at school and doesn't want to come, please reach out to the school social worker or school counselors for assistance. We may have groups and/or incentives to work with your child to encourage a connection to school. Possible consequences of excessive absences without valid reasons and communication with school is a referral to Truancy Court. Attendance is the key to success
Guide to Understanding Report Cards The purpose of the standards- based report card is to communicate the progress towards mastering standards. Each skill will be graded on a scale of N/A to 4. The goal is for your child to meet the standard by the end of the school year. Score Explanation 4 Exceeds grade level standard 3 Meets grade level standard 2 Progressing towards grade level Standard 1 Limited progress towards grade level standard N/A Previously taught; not assessed in marking period
Free And Reduced Lunch 1. Must apply every school year- reapply if changes to family situation 2. If student accrues charges of at least $8- student will get a substitute lunch 3. How to apply: online application and paper applications in school's main office 4. How to add funds? Can add funds online- need student ID number Must have a credit/debit card There is a $1.95 for each transaction Send money with student to add to account- teacher will need to add during cafeteria Parent can take money to the cafeteria to settle account fees Breakfast Fee: $1.25 Lunch Fee: $2.65
End of Grades What are EOGs- End of Grade testing to measure how well students are mastering specific skills defined for each grade by the state of North Carolina Students will take the EOGS yearly starting in 3rd grade. Our 3rd-5th graders will take a test for Reading, Math, and Science (5th graders only). EOGS will take place starting May 31st through June 13th ( this includes make ups for students who missed the tests)
EOG Scoring and Scales EOG Score Meaning 1-2 Limited understanding will need significant academic supports (not meeting grade level expectations) 3 Proficient in subject matter but may still need academic supports (on grade level) 4-5 Proficient and Well prepared for the next grade level (above grade level)
Before the Test Encourage Provide Minimize Set Make Give Encourage your child to get a good night’s sleep before the test. Encourage Provide your child with a nutritious breakfast before the test. Provide Minimize outside activities during the week of testing. This will help reduce stress at home. Minimize Set your alarm a little early each morning and make your time together at home pleasant and encouraging. Set Make sure your child arrives at school on time. Make Give your child a hug and let them know you have confidence in them! Give Before the Test
ESL Services
School and Community Resources Please remember to reach out to the school any time you have a questions. We have school counselors, school social worker, and a school nurse available to assist with any social emotional or family needs. Check your child's teacher websites for academic resources: I-ready, Dreambox, Aleks, and Discovery Education are great academic websites. Every student has their own login and password. Students should use these websites for practice daily or at least weekly. We also have some assistance for food and clothing needs through community partners. Please reach out to Mrs. Williams or Mrs. Ketron for assistance. Please take some of the handouts that will be available for community resources.
Thank you for coming Tonight Do you have any Questions??