Market Development & Business Linkages Identify business opportunities for entrepreneurs and work with buyers of goods & services to procure from these entrepreneurs. Includes business linkages to assist SMMEs to access buyers & markets through linkages partnership development and fostering business relationships
Market Development & Business Linkages STRATEGIC GOAL To facilitate business linkages between SMMEs and identified market opportunities ACTIVITIES Market Access Development Marketing & Business Linkages Development
Policy Design, Research & Information Co-ordinate and conduct research regarding SMME development, provide high quality SMME-related information, provide expert advice on SMME programme & strategy design
Policy Design, Research & Information STRATEGIC GOAL Co-ordinate, conduct and provide research, information and expert advice regarding SMME development ACTIVITIES Research & Development Information Provision Programme Design
The following strategic goals have been identified by NTSIKA: To identify and develop SMMEs to service identified market opportunities. To identify and develop markets with the objective of increasing opportunities for SMMEs. To facilitate business linkages between SMMEs and identified market opportunities. To co-ordinate, conduct and provide research, information and expert advice regarding SMME development.