Butte Elementary Title I Kickoff Night October 4, 2018
Agenda Review of Year-to-Date Progress -Rockey Purpose of Title 1 Funding – Rockey/Students Review Title 1 Plan and Budget for the 2018-19 School Year - McDermott Current Academic Programs Preview ways that you and your student can be involved. - Taner
Our Staff Introduce Staff in Attendance (If you are here, please stand up and wave your hands so we can recognize you ☺)
The Purpose of Title 1 Funding General Overview
Title 1 Overview Purpose: Financial Assistance To Local Educational Agencies For The Education Of Children Of Low-Income Families Established in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act by President Johnson in 1965 Criteria: 40% of students must be eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch
Funding Requirements Two Target Areas Instruction Must be supplemental to Core/Required Programs Family Engagement Activities 2% of budget dedicated to this category Goal: Partner with Parents in Child’s Education
Current Academic Programs Math- GoMath! Reading and LA- Journeys Science- FOSS kits Social Studies- Various according to grade level Health- The Great Body Shop
Goals for the Year Increase student attendance (goal is 95%) Increase academic performance by 1.5% in Math and ELA Engage parents further with student learning
Title 1 Budget - $ Domain Expenditures Instruction $59,089 Parent Involvement $10,522 Total $69,611
Instruction $56,779 $8,316 $65,095 (Figures are approximate…) (Figures are approximate…) Title 1 Expenditures Non-Certified Salaries & Benefits Tutor Advisors for intervention programs $56,779 Instructional Supplies Online learning licenses, intervention materials, supplies for programs, etc $8,316 Total $65,095
Parent Involvement $2,000 Title 1 Expenditures Food and Supplies for Parent Involvement Events Title 1 Kickoff Night, $2,000 Total
Recommendations for changes? What new ideas might we consider? Please take a few moments to write down: Recommendations for changes? New ideas to consider.
Testing Results-MAP Tests On the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) students showed increases in most academic areas. Language: We increased from 60% to 68% proficient. Reading: We increased from 58% to 67% proficient. Mathematics: We remained the same at 63% proficient.
Testing Results-State Test Butte PEAKS testing we showed improvement in all areas. Math 41.48% to 55.7% Proficient to Advanced 58.52% to 44.3% Below to Far Below Proficient Language Arts 42.65% to 56.5% Proficient to Advanced 57.36% to 43.2% Below to Far Below Proficient Science 38.64% to 59.8% Proficient to Advanced 61.36% to 42.8% Below to Far Below Proficient
Progress Reports Expect Quarterly Progress reports from the school. We also send PEAKS data home in the Fall from the previous year. We send MAP testing results home at parent teacher conferences. We can send them home if you request them at other times in the year.
Parent Engagement Policy We encourage you to: get involved in helping to make decisions about our school and programs. Volunteer at the school to support our programs Be involved in decisions about your students education. Be partners with the school in educating your child.
Alaska S.T.E.P.P. How to access
Alaska Indistar http://www.indistar.org Login info is: (case sensitive) Username: GuestS11176 Password: GuestS11176 We will also have paper copies of our plan in the front office for you to look at by the end of October.
Contact Info and Feedback Questions? Feel free to contact us (Mr. Rockey, Mr. McDermott, or Ms. Taner) at the office 861-5200 Survey Don’t forget to complete our survey (link on the IPad)