Bristol’s Transport Strategy and the role of ULEVs


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Presentation transcript:

Bristol’s Transport Strategy and the role of ULEVs Strategic Overview Bristol’s Transport Strategy and the role of ULEVs Councillor Kye Dudd Cabinet Member for Energy, Waste and Regulatory Services

Strategic Overview The city is experiencing the biggest investment in living memory with around £800m being invested in its transport infrastructure to 2020. MetroBus Rapid Transport network MetroWest suburban rail scheme Cycle Ambition Programmes Go Ultra Low West electric vehicle Programme Electric vehicles play a key part of the future of transport in our city and region, complimenting walking, cycling and public transport Clean Air Zones being developed in Bristol and Bath Developing a WoE Low and Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy

Go Ultra Low West OLEV Funded investment delivered by Bristol, Bath, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils. £7m for EV infrastructure and promotion Will ensure that existing charging points are reliable and accessible. Expand the network with at least 120 new charging bays in the region Create Rapid charging hubs at 4 locations allowing 20 minute charging Support Business adoption of EVs with charge point grants Pilot electric car clubs Electric bike hire scheme in Bath Freight “micro” consolidation in Bath and Bristol city centres

Public Charge Points Developing a strategic network right across the region Currently assessing sites for new charge points You can suggest a location for a public charge point through Travelwest website All sites will be assessed based on viability, cost and location – we cannot guarantee that a suggested site will be used. The first 2 Rapid charging hubs will open in 2019 – Bristol (Eastville) and Portishead

Business Grants If you’re a Business you can apply for grants to install charging points for your staff or fleet. Sara Sloman will tell you more today Visit Travelwest website for more information.