Attendance target The government says to raise standards in education and ensure all pupils can fulfil their potential pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school. Here at Milton Park we know 100 % attendance is hard to achieve, but we also know how much a difference good attendance makes. So at Milton Park our attendance target is 97%
Housekeeping Reading Challenge – Children must read 3 times a week and will be given rewards for doing so including certificates in KS2 assemblies. Behaviour policy – Rewards for displaying our learning heroes and a restorative approach to developing behaviour for learning. Children can also receive points on their Class Dojo monsters that will earn rewards over the year. This year we have also implemented a B4L board. The children can move up and down the board depending on the their behaviour – when they move up the board they will earn rewards. The website – We will update the website after this meeting, it will include information from this meeting. Please do let us know if there is something you think could be on the website.
The following slides are the protocols we have to follow if your child is off sick from school.