DHS Announcements
2019 Prom Ticket Flash Sale! DHS’s Junior-Senior Prom will be held on April 26, 2019 at the Georgia Aquarium Oceans Ballroom Final Sale of tickets is January 1, 2019 – February 28, 2019 for $130 Tickets will be issued on Friday, April 26, 2019
Attention: 9th Grade Students Please be sure to charge you Chromebooks every evening during testing! Thank you
Interested in playing Soccer? For those who are interested in playing boy or girls soccer, please see Coach Taylor of Coach Stafford for more information and you must have all documents submitted before you can tryout Season tryouts will be January 14 and January 15, 2019 at 3:45 to 5:00
The Helen Ruffing Reading Bowl The reading bowl will meet on Mondays and Tuesdays at 3:30pm in the library
Printing from Chromebooks Students are only able to print from their Chromebooks at this time Students will need to deposit a minimum of $1 to set up a printing account Any questions, please see M. Daniels in the library
Baseball Team Tryouts If you are interested in trying out for the DHS Baseball Team, tryouts will be held on Monday, January 14, 2019 on the baseball field at 4:30 Your must have up-to-date physical and give you physical form to Coach PJ
Gymnastics Try-outs for gymnastics will be January 9 and 10, 2019 from 4:00-5:00 You must have a current physical on file to try-out