Presentation at the CCCM Retreat Mass Shelter Capability Project II (MaSC II) N° 230301/2012/635460/SER/ECHO/B1 Presentation at the CCCM Retreat 8 – 9 October 2018, Geneva
Project Partners GERMANY, Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) UN, International Organisation for Migration (IOM) UNITED KINGDOM, Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) formerly UNITED KINGDOM, Cabinet Office (CO) formerly IRELAND, National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management (NDFEM) of the the Department of Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government Support: Italy, Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC)
Project Frame Time frame: Main Events: 01 Jan 2017 – 31 Dec 2018 First Workshop: 25 to 27 Sep 2017 in Germany Second Workshop: 4 to 6 Dec 2017 in Switzerland Third Workshop: 19 to 21 Nov 2018 in Germany Specific experts meetings Field Visits (PR; IT; AL)
Overall objectives of MaSC II MaSC II is designed to enhance preparedness across participating states regarding deployment and hosting of mass shelter capabilities, by identifying detailed requirements for the deployment of the defined mass shelter capability, producing recommendations and guidelines (“Tool Box”), developing detailed supporting material for the deployment of flexible, scalable and interoperable UCPM mass shelter capabilities.
The MaSC Tool Box One carrier Two layers One structure The Toolbox must serve and convince the user in two situations: Before During the disaster!
MaSC Tool Box Structure Phase 0: Awareness Phase 1: Preparation Phase 2: Assessment digital Phase 3: Mobilisation Information material (layer 1) Phase 4: Response Phase 5: Closure analog Phase 0: Awareness Carrier medium Toolbox (layer 0) Phase 1: Preparation digital Phase 2: Assessment Phase 3: Mobilisation Phase 4: Response Worksheets (layer 2) analog Phase 5: Closure
First Layer: Booklets Information about the tools and their usage
Second Layer: Worksheets Templates Checklists Matrixes Example plans …
First layout impressions
MaSC Tool Box: „Re-print“ Content electronically available (on USB Stick, as well as on homepages, e.g. IOM or EU) Re-print of whole tool box or parts Whole MaSC Tool Box would fit into one classical folder
What else? Available as electronic version Needs local adaption Is available from 18 December 2018
For more information please contact: Nils Uhlenbrock (Project Manager) ( German Federal Agency for Technical Relief - International Division - Provinzialstr. 93, 53127 Bonn, GERMANY phone: +49 228 940 1606