“Muckrakers” Project.


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Presentation transcript:

“Muckrakers” Project

There are two steps in becoming a good Muckraker There are two steps in becoming a good Muckraker. Step 1: FIND - a social, political, or economic problem that is hurting the citizens. Step 2: SOLUTION – propose a possible solution to solve the problem(s)

Jacob August Riis Social Problem: The crowded, unsafe, rat-infested tenement slum buildings in New York City. Solution: He helped expose the housing problems through his camera with pictures. (1849 - 1914)

Joseph Lincoln Steffens Political Problem: Political corruption in government Solution: He wrote “The Shame of the Cities” to expose the corruption. . (1866 – 1936)

book summary author, Upton Sinclair impact on consumer protection Upton Sinclair Economic Problem: Businesses that conduct unhealthy meat-packing procedures in Chicago. Solution: He exposed the unhealthy meat-packing businesses by writing a book “The Jungle.” reform of meat packing industry social realism in American literature working conditions in early factories

Project Requirements Each group will simulate (copy) the Muckrakers of the early 1900s. The group will investigate social, economic, and political problems in today’s society. It has to be problems that exist today. Each must come up with solutions to the problem(s). The group will create a PowerPoint (12-15 slides) to present the problem(s) and solution(s).

Where do you find the problems Where do you find the problems? Each group will need to search for the problems. The internet or newspaper can be used to search for the problems. The source(s) need to come from reputable news companies that are legitimate and reliable.

Where do you find the solutions Where do you find the solutions? Each group will need to brainstorm and search for solutions to the problem(s). It will take a group effort!

Topics & Groups Groups 3, 5, 7 - Social (culture, religion, language) Groups 4, 6, & 8 - Political (government, immigration, leaders) Groups 1, 2, & 9 - Economics (employment, housing, poverty)

Presentation Requirements PowerPoint - Slides (10-12) Oral Presentation -Loud, clear, look at the audience. -Maintain composure Index Cards Each student must have 4-5 index cards with a summary of their section. Total Group Presentation Time - Four (4) minutes minimum - Six (6) minutes maximum. Visual -Each PowerPoint must have several pictures or video that can enhance the project presentation.

Audience The instructor will monitor the following: - Students paying attention, no sleeping. -Talking & disrupting. - Use of cell phone or any electronic device. * Any violation from the list above will result in disciplinary procedures and loss of points from the student’s project.