Pauli Principle: The total WF must be antisymmetric w. r Pauli Principle: The total WF must be antisymmetric w.r. to exchange of two electrons a singlet state has symmetric spatial, antisymmetric spin function, triplet vice versa. Pauli Exclusion Principle: No two e- can have the same set of quantum numbers.
L-S coupling in multielectron atoms: Every electron has angular momentum and spin . Define ”total orbital angular momentum” The individual but in the absence of spin-orbit interaction for each electron, the total angular momentum is conserved! That means we can label the states by the quantum number L Define: Define ”total spin” → label with quantum number S ”total angular momentum” → label with quantum number J = |L+S| ... |L-S| in steps of 1 Levels of the same L are called terms and are described by a capital letter: S, P, D, F, ... MJ (z-projection of J) can have values between –J and +J in steps of 1 Unsöld’s Theorem: Full shells and subshells have L = 0, S = 0 e.g. L(1s2) = 0; L(2p6) = 0 Atomic term symbols: 2S+1LJ