EVALUATION PRACTICE Cycle of Reflection Gather evidence Align evidence with components Determine levels of performance Identify areas of strength and areas of growth Reflect and Refine teaching practice Our process is really a cycle of reflection that will have a direct impact on student learning.
EVIDENCE Evidence is not: Evidence is: What is seen What is heard What is read Evidence is not: interpretation opinion
DANIELSON’S FRAMEWORK FOR TEACHING Align evidence with components within: Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibility
Discuss levels of performance LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Discuss levels of performance Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Excellent
IDENTIFY AREAS OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH Reflect Determine Areas of growth Research Best Practices
REFINE PRACTICE Best Practices New strategy
Evaluwise Automated System Improve and support communication between evaluators and teachers. Give teachers access to completed forms for documented evidence of their practice. Assist evaluators in managing forms and timelines throughout the process.
REQUIRED FORMS Evaluator Teacher Pre-Observation Form Post-Observation Form SLO Form Professional Responsibility Form Evaluator Informal Evidence Formal Evidence Practice Ratings SLO Ratings Summative Rating
NON-TENURED TEACHERS Informal obs. Formal obs. 2 SLOs Meet upon teacher request Formal obs. Pre-conf. Post-conf. 2 SLOs Summative Evaluation
TENURED TEACHERS Informal obs. Formal obs. 2 SLOs Summative Evaluation Meet upon teacher request Formal obs. Pre-conf. Post-conf. 2 SLOs Summative Evaluation *This is within a 2 year process
Non-Tenured Evaluation Cycle Observations, both formal and informal, may be conducted at any time during the evaluation cycle. Deadline: Feb. 28
Tenured Evaluation Cycle Observations, both formal and informal, may be conducted at any time during the evaluation cycle. Deadline: End of school year
District Combined Read/Math MAP Score Category I Teachers Student Growth Option A SLO 83% District Combined Read/Math MAP Score 17% Option B 50% *Changes to evaluation process; You CAN redo SLOs! Anytime within the two year cycle….
Category II Teachers Student Growth SLO Type 1 50% Type 2 Non-tenured or tenured with needs improvement or unsatisfactory rating.
Teacher Aides Evaluated once a year Evaluator will review evaluation instrument Evaluator will get input from cooperating teachers
Annual Notification of Evaluator You will receive an email within the first two weeks of school.
RESOURCES AND SUPPORTS http://www.loccsd.ca/~div15/wp- content/uploads/2015/09/2013-framework-for- teaching-evaluation-instrument.pdf Bullet 4: You will want to reference the people in your building to seek out for support. General comments: remember that this process is new to everyone collaboration is key to our success in this process feel free to bring forth questions you might have for further clarification