This week’s story: Dangerous Crossing Get ready for another exciting week of learning ! Remember to read and Listen to your story.
Dangerous Crossing 11/13/2018-11/17/2018 Essential Question: What can individuals do to help shape a new government? Discuss this topic at home and use different ideas to answer this question. Be ready to discuss and share in class. Support your idea with Details.
Learning your weekly story Read and listen to your story several times every week. Also ask and answer questions from your story. Have a parent, sibling, uncle, aunt, cousin or grandparent to assist you with studying. Make notes when listening to your story. Use a dictionary or thesaurus if needed.
Lesson 11 focus wall F:\Focus wall Lesson11.jpg The focus wall has the spelling and vocabulary words for the week. Be sure to look up vocabulary words and understand the meaning of them. You should be able to use them in a sentence after learning them.
Comprehension skills and strategies Target skill: Cause and Effect Target Strategy: Visualize what you are reading. F:\Graphic Organizer Additional_Resources.pdf. Use graphic organizers to help with understanding readings. This week’s organizer is Cause and Effect.
Grammar: Subject and Object pronouns F:\Subject Pronouns.html F:\Object pronouns.html F:\Pronoun Antecedent.html These are the grammar skills for this week.
Opinion writing in an Essay F:\Prewriting Opinion Essay practice.html Use the graphic organizer to prewrite an opinion essay for practice. Focus on elaboration of your ideas, use details to support your main idea. Most of all enjoy your story!