Grandview Heights, Ohio Steering Committee Meeting September 27, 2018
Meeting Agenda Project Schedule and Next Steps Discuss Draft Goals and Objectives Land Use Policies and Map
Project Schedule: Community Plan Sep. 2018 Steering Committee Meeting #3 – Goals and Objectives (tonight) Nov. 2018 Steering Committee Meeting #4 – Community Plan Outline Jan. 2019 Steering Committee Meeting #5 – Draft Community Plan Feb. 2019 Public Open House Mar. 2019 Begin Community Plan Adoption
Project Schedule: Civic Spaces and Places Plan Sep. 2018 Steering Committee Meeting #3 – Goals and Objectives (tonight) Nov. 2018 Steering Committee Meeting #4 – Options Workshop Jan. 2019 Steering Committee Meeting #5 – Draft Civic Spaces and Places Plan Feb. 2019 Public Open House Mar. 2019 Begin Community Plan Adoption
Organization Findings Vision Goals Objectives A summary of the major themes that emerged from public engagement activities. Serve as the foundation for the vision, goals, and obejctives. Vision Summarizes the desired future for the overall community. Goals General statements concerning an aspect of the City’s desired future. Objectives Action items that are necessary for the City to achieve the goals.
Vision Grandview Heights is a dynamic urban community that is rich in civic and pedestrian life, committed to multi-modal connectivity, well- maintained, and provides quality public services. Our residential neighborhoods are affordable and diverse. Our businesses are physically and socially a part of the community, and the City, School District, and Library are partners in providing the community with civic amenities and lifelong learning opportunities.
Goal Topics Land Use and Character Transportation and Connectivity Economic Health Environment and Resiliency Civic Spaces and Places
Policies Represent a more refined or detailed recommendation on a specific topic. Policies will be drafted for each goal topic. The Land Use & Character Policies are provided for initial review. The remaining policies will be drafted and reviewed at a later date.