High culture A term now used whose most common meaning is the set of cultural products, held in the highest esteem in mainstream (affluent, powerful, and educated) adult culture. High culture includes works of art, fashion, literature, scholarship, and philosophy that establish a shared frame of reference among affluent, powerful, educated people.
Pop culture Includes cultural products which are held in lower esteem in mainstream adult culture. Products are popular, easy to understand, and entertaining to the majority of (younger?) people. Includes popular music, most Hollywood productions, most TV products, most social media, reality TV.
Cultural Divide? Looking at high culture vs. popular or low culture allows us to see some instances of divides which exist within cultures The values and norms of dominant/majority/mainstream groups determine what is considered normative and valued. This can impact what is considered high culture or popular culture. As cultural values and norms evolve, the distinctions and labels about what is high, popular, and normative also evolve
Mainstream/dominant vs. minority groups Minority groups -- distinct groups that coexists with but are subordinate to a more dominant group. Minority group distinction can be based on age, gender, ethnicity, religion, race, economic standing, (other?)
Cultural Change Economic, political, environmental, and technological factors often operate concurrently to trigger cultural change. Cultural diffusion -- process when cultural traits are passed between cultures Can take place through economic exchanges, migration, wars, or media. Invention and discovery can also lead to cultural changes
Cultural Lag and Integration Cultural lag – often times, the norms and values of a group cannot keep up with rapid change. Cultural lag is especially notable when cultural diffusion occurs at an unnaturally rapid pace Notable cultural lag often is related to invention or discovery