Parent Information Meeting November 27, :30 Reynolds Cafeteria


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Presentation transcript:

Parent Information Meeting November 27, 2018 5:30 Reynolds Cafeteria Reynolds Basketball 2018-2019 Parent Information Meeting November 27, 2018 5:30 Reynolds Cafeteria

Reynolds Athletic Booster Club Concessions Sign Up Sign Up: In the back, email to come Booster Club will briefly speak for this slide

Congratulations and Welcome Coach Introductions Practice and Game Attendance Expectations Injuries Athlete/Parent Meetings Grades and Eligibility Classroom Behavior Communication Basketball Schedule Dinner Option Home game guidelines and Away game travel release Questions

Reynolds Basketball Coaches 7th Boys: Coach Shepherd & Coach Routh 7th girls: Coach Goode & Coach Whiteside 8th boys: Coach Evans & Coach Saba 8th girls: Coach Robinson & Coach Treble Coordinators: Coach Sills & Coach Salinas

Attendance Expectations Athletes are expected to be at ALL practices and games. 7th grade will practice before school 8th grade will practice after school Coaches will send a weekly email on Friday afternoon updating days and times for the next week along with any other important information. *all practice times and game locations can be found on website *Athletes should notify a coach prior to missing practice if at all possible. Sickness and emergencies will be considered excused if a coach is notified. If a coach is not notified, the missed practice will be unexcused.

Injuries Coaches need to be notified if an athlete is injured during practice, game, or other activities if it will interfere with basketball. PISD trainers are available before and after school for consultation and treatment for injuries. The trainers are located at the indoor facility at Prosper High School. Parent notes for injuries will only be valid for one day to be excused from practice. A doctor or trainer note will be needed if the injury prevails. Injured athletes are required to be at practice and dressed out. Practices will not have to be made up if the athlete is paying attention and engaged in the practice plan.

Athlete/Parent Meetings 1. Athlete to Coach 2. Parent to Coach 3. Parent to Coordinator 4. Parent to Administrator All coaches are more than happy to meet with parents to discuss your child. Coaches will not discuss playing time or other basketball players. Parents should encourage players to talk with coaches prior to parent meetings if your athlete has concerns about anything. We are here for the athlete and available to help the athlete problem solve any concerns they might have from basketball to school. Parent meetings will be scheduled and will not occur after games. Athletes are encouraged to attend meetings with their parents. Before scheduling a meeting please attempt the following line of communication:

EDUCATIONAL ATHLETICS Philosophy BETTER ATHLETES, BETTER PEOPLE Parent Expectations EDUCATIONAL ATHLETICS Philosophy BETTER ATHLETES, BETTER PEOPLE ` Make no remarks to the referees or to the players, coaches or spectators of the opposing team Avoid remarks directed to players on your own team who make mistakes on the field. Applaud superior play by both teams. Support coaches regardless of the results on the court/field. Always remain in the spectator area Never use foul language or obscene gestures at a game. Avoid persistent comments and gestures that express disagreement with referees’ decisions. Cooperate immediately with any request by the game officials. If a parent is ejected from a contest by an official or coach, the parent will be required to have a face to face conference with the Athletic Director prior to returning to any PISD Athletic event. In addition, the parent must complete the NFHS course “Positive Sport Parenting” and turn in their certificate of completion before returning to any PISD athletic event. If multiple incidents occur or a single severe incident occurs, the parent(s) will no longer be allowed into PISD events, and possible criminal trespassing charges can be issued to the spectator for an appropriate time period determined by the administrators.

UIL Eligibility Calendar - Reynolds Athletic homepage Grades-Eligibility Basketball is an UIL sport and is part of the no pass no play guidelines. UIL Eligibility Calendar - Reynolds Athletic homepage Academics are a priority and it is the responsibility of the athlete to make sure that ALL grades are passing in ALL classes. If an athlete is failing when the district wide grade check occurs, they become ineligible for approximately 3 weeks. During the period of ineligibility, athletes are permitted to practice, however, they are not permitted to participate in games or travel on the bus. At the end of the period of ineligibility (usually 3 weeks), students must be passing ALL classes. Please check skyward often and follow-up with the teacher if any work is missing. UIL Eligibility Calendar

BE A ROLE MODEL FOR OTHERS TO LOOK UP TO. Classroom Behavior As a student athlete, we expect you to be a leader in the classroom. BE A ROLE MODEL FOR OTHERS TO LOOK UP TO. A model student that is engaged and behaved and not a disruption to the class. If an athlete's’ behavior is not at this standard, there will be follow up discipline in athletics. (i.e. conditioning, extra drills, lessened game time).

Weekly emails - on Friday Eagle/Lady Eagle Basketball home webpage. Communication Weekly emails - on Friday Remind - as needed Eagle/Lady Eagle Basketball home webpage. Parents should wait 24 hours after a game to talk or set up a meeting with a coach. You should not talk to a coach before, during or directly after a game. Please talk to your athlete after games and not before or during as we are trying to prepare them for their competition.

Basketball Schedule Boys play on Monday nights (3 Wednesday nights) Girls play on Thursday nights (1 Wednesday night) Rogers MS athletics participates in a 6A district: McKinney Middle Schools and Highland Park. Home games will be played at Rogers Middle School. Game times will be 5pm, 6pm, and 7pm. Green team will have 7 minute quarters and black and white team will have 6 minutes quarters.

Game Day Guidelines ALL athletes expected to stay and support all 3 teams Transportation is provided to all away games No videotaping of games by parents. athletes will be permitted to sign out after their game to ride home with parents if they do not have team responsibilities. The bus will be available to bring athletes home. Travel release must be on file for parents to take home from away games. thletes must notify coach prior to game day if unable to stay for all games.

Please sign travel release and expectations Questions? Thank you for coming! Please sign travel release and expectations Join Booster Club & Sign up for concession stand Jason’s Deli orders can be done online.