2019 Theme Lights in a Dark World Philippians 2:15
What is an example? Lights in a Dark World A person or thing that acts as an illustration or model of something. Someone we look up to in order to learn A realization that others are looking to us and observing. We ought to conduct ourselves so as to influence others in a proper direction
What is an example? Lights in a Dark World Examples inform – observed information that gives direction Found everywhere – we can look around an learn James 3:4 – the ship’s rudder Hebrews 12:9-11 – discipline Proverbs 6:6-8 – the ant Parables of Jesus – Matthew 13:11
What is an example? Lights in a Dark World Our concern in this study addresses how we are influencing others. Do not forget that we are ALWAYS being watched by someone (and possibly watching someone) We will notices numerous examples and descriptions of example in coming lessons
Power of example Never underestimate the power an example can be Lights in a Dark World Never underestimate the power an example can be Accomplish many things both good and bad They can have lasting effects – sometimes never forgotten We can learn from examples With example you can win one over, increase opportunities OR turn them away!
Power of example Lights in a Dark World Often times we do not realize we are being examples – you never know WHO is watching You may be ignored by one you want to influence OR you may be influencing someone in the future
Power of example Lights in a Dark World Sometimes our example prompts others to improve or stand firm (Philippians 1:12-14) Bad behavior can also influence for evil (1 Corinthians 8:10, Galatians 2:11-14) You may never find out how you are influencing someone
You are the salt of the earth Matthew 5:13 The power of example You are the salt of the earth Matthew 5:13
Salt A very powerful description Matthew 5:13 Mark 9:50, Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another.”
Salt Salt is necessary for life – essential for nerve and muscle function, as well as the regulation of body fluids, including blood Similarly, the salt of God’s word is necessary to sustain our spiritual lives
Salt It flavors – perhaps one of the better known purposes This was at least part of Jesus’ observations in Matthew 5:13 & Mark 9:50 As Christians, we are to do our best to “flavor” the world in a pleasant way – integrity, kindness, respect, caring, etc.
Salt Usually designed to be taken with something else – in small amounts, it is sprinkled on food Our example is very important, but it must be accompanied by God’s word John 8:32, 17:17 Example gives us the credibility to teach God’s word to others
Salt Preserves – while today, still a preservative, this was more important in previous generations. And added value to salt In this crooked and perverse generation, we need to preserve the truth. Who knows what we might accomplish Moses - Exodus 32:11-14 King Josiah, postponed destruction of Jerusalem – 2 Kings 22:20 Ultimately, the death of Jesus preserves us
Salt Creates thirst – salty foods and drinks produce thirst Jesus offered “living waters” - John 4:10-14 John 7:38, He who believes in Me, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water What are we doing to provoke thirst in others?
Salt Can be an irritant – salt poured in wounds (but it can be good) As we stand for truth, we will be an irritant to the ungodly cf. Luke 23:2, He perverts the nation Acts 24:5 – Paul described as a plague Acts 16:20 – trouble makers We continue to be salt, because others are searching!
Salt Can ruin – salt was often poured in fields of conquered people to devastate them. We sprinkle salt, lest we ruin the food with too much Can we be guilty of being too salty as Christians? Do we become irritants when it is not necessary? We cannot FORCE our faith on anyone
Salt To be effective, salt must come in contact with something – it will do nothing if it remains in the shaker How can we be “the salt of the earth”, if we are sprinkling it on society?
Salt It can lose its effectiveness – it is possible. Matthew 5:13 – if salt looses its savor… We are to CONTINUALLY be salt! Colossians 4:6, let your speech be seasoned with salt
What are you doing with your salt?