Organizing For Social Justice + Nonviolence
Introductions One by one, let us come forward and write out our full name on one of the papers. Explain briefly where your name comes from and what you prefer to be called. I’ll go first.
Prayer & Centering . . .
Some Goals of Our Course To explore and experiment with nonviolence as a way of life. To examine our current beliefs and practices with regard to violence and nonviolence. To learn practical skills for responding to situations of violence. To connect with a community which supports, encourages, and challenges our nonviolence. To take nonviolent action together as a group.
Making Agreements I agree to share and participate at whatever level feels safe and comfortable. I agree to maintain confidentiality about personal stories or experiences shared in my small or large group, unless I have been given permission to share them with others. I agree to listen with my full and complete attention, and to wait until the other person has completed their thoughts before I speak. I will strive to appreciate and honor our differences.
We will look at 4 topics today 1. Exploring Violence 2. What is Justice ? 3. Beginning Nonviolence 4. What about War ?
1.Violence After Columbine they did nothing. After Virginia Tech they did nothing. After Sandy Hook they did nothing. After Orlando they did nothing. After Las Vegas … Enough. Doing nothing is not an option! People desperately seeking cover from the mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada
Zones of Learning
Activity: Violence Spectrum We will examine the range of opinions held about violence and nonviolence. With a line marked on the floor, one end is marked violence, the other non-violence. As I describe a situation, . . . place yourself along the line, representing a position that you think represents how violent or nonviolent the situation is. You can adjust your position, if what someone else says changes your mind.
Statements about violence Pace e Bene, Engage Miki Kashtran John Dear Johan Galtung
Exploring your own Violence Please reflect on an experience where you inflicted violence, or where it was inflicted on yourself. Discuss this in your small group.
Ways to respond to violence Accomodation Avoidance CounterViolence _________ NonViolent Action
Short Break
2. Understanding Justice
Difference between charity & Justice
Example – Poverty -Hunger
2nd Synod of Bishops, 1971 “Justice in the World” #6 Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel, or, in other words, of the Church’s mission for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from every oppressive situation.
Short Break
3. Beginning to Explore Nonviolence
Nonviolence is . . . a creative power for Justice, and the well-being of all people, that does not use: -- Either passivity -- Or violence. It is a third way.
“Forgetting Who We Are,” John Dear Articulate and discuss some of the key insights of this article. Violence is … What happens when we forget who we are? Spiral of violence… What is an enemy ?
Growing into Nonviolence
4. Beginning to explore War As a U.S. citizen what does patriotism mean to you ? As a member of Knights of Columbus you may have taken an oath of patriotism. As a Christian you have been told to love your enemies. As a thoughtful and caring human being can you harm or kill other persons? Write a few thoughts in your journal . . .
The President has just announced that everyone in the U. S The President has just announced that everyone in the U.S. will be subject to an emergency draft beginning Monday, October 9th We are going to war with N. Korea. How will you respond ?
We are going to war ! Because of situations in North Korea, Afganistan, Iran, and other dangers, President Trump has re-established the draft. All of You are now eligible. Take this seriously. What will you do ? Think about it. Write something down . . . Now, Discuss this in your small table groups.
e Nobel Peace Prize to International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons “We are trying to send very strong signals to all states with nuclear arms, nuclear-armed states — North Korea, U.S., Russia, China, France, U.K., Israel, all of them, India, Pakistan — it is unacceptable to threaten to kill civilians.” “The panel wants to send a signal to North Korea and the U.S. that they need to go into negotiations. The prize is also coded support to the Iran nuclear deal.
Assignments for our next class Do the Activities. Read the new material. Write in your Journal, fill out questionnaire. Next Class: Jesus and Nonviolence, a third way, The Goal is Justice and Peace.