Cherokee Concerned Citizens Pascagoula, MS Engaging the Public
Pascagoula Industries 1. Chevron Refining 2. Mississippi Phosphates 3. VT Halter Marine 4. World Marine 5. First Chemical Corp 6. Enterprise Gas 7. Pandle, Inc. 8. Destin Pipeline 9. Gulf LNG 10. Huntington Ingalls
Complaint Summary The area has been a source of many complaints (odors, dusting, paint overspray) in years past Notable increase in complaints in 2013 about specific industries Complaints characterized by: Dusting (36 sandblast, 41 paint overspray) Odor (26 odor) Noise (not logged, accompanied many complaints from the neighborhood) Neighbors organize to form Cherokee Concerned Citizens
Engaging Stakeholders MDEQ Office of Community Engagement (OCE) OCE organized a small meeting between MDEQ and citizens to discuss concerns raised by the neighborhood MDEQ held a meeting with representatives from the industrial park MDEQ facilitated a meeting between industry and the community OCE has had routine calls with community Community speaks directly with industry about concerns
Complaint Investigations Complaint investigations yielded mixed results Particulate from unspecified sources Odor often unverified Noise left to local ordinance Complaints also made to local officials Compliance inspections performed Each nearby facilities were inspected, some more than once Violations noted at two facilities
Enforcement Activities Enforcement action initiated at two facilities Mississippi Phosphates C&D operation of Sulfuric Acid Plants Conditional restart of SAP included wind speed and direction limitations and 3rd party monitoring VT Halter Required engineering study to determine conditions for painting and sandblasting, capture devices and Best Management Practices Facility determined long term solution is permanent enclosure of sandblasting activities
Growing Community Knowledge Informational sessions Fact sheets Community Air Permitting Workshop Public participation process Facility tours Participation in Local Emergency Planning Committee
COMMUNITY AIR PERMITTING WORKSHOP REGISTRATION IS FREE Please make plans to attend. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY THURSDAY JULY 31, 2014 Senior Citizens Center 8:00 am -4:00 pm SPONSORS COMMUNITY AIR PERMITTING WORKSHOP The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are sponsoring a Community Air Permitting Workshop for the public on July 31. The event will begin at 8:00 a.m. and continue until 3:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center on 1912 Live Oak Avenue in Pascagoula. The day’s sessions include information on the Clean Air Act, air permitting, Title V permitting, permitting and compliance, informational resources for citizens, and public involvement in the permitting process. RSVP contact: RSVP contact: Melissa Collier Anne Pitre 601-961-5025 228-372-6888
Permit Process Participation Comments submitted on each Title V renewal to date Request for a hearing for Two recent permits Detailed FOIA requests, focused on upsets and excess emissions
Air Sampling Ambient air monitoring site located 3.5 miles to northwest of Cherokee neighborhood Air Division has developed a plan for neighborhood monitoring Intend to collect Five samples, Three during favorable weather conditions and Two during a complaint or condition of concern All Five will be 24-hour samples with additional instantaneous samples collected during the complaint event As of September 28th, no samples had been collected.
Lessons Learned Additional work will be created Patience is a virtue Relationships will grow Greater awareness of offsite impacts Potential for enforceable conditions in permits