Happy Monday! Pick up the VW Power List. These are the words you can use in your synthesis essay on block day to earn extra credit! (Use up to two words; for each word used correctly, you will earn +1 on your essay grade.) You have a VW Unit 7 Quiz on Friday. Words are on my website! If I have your VW book, come get it! The Things They Carried Part 1 (1-81) is due a week from tomorrow! Have you been reading!?
Direct and Indirect Quotations The original passage: “Manned space exploration is the path to how we build a better life for ourselves here on Earth, and how we can give hope and provide inspiration for our youngsters to grow up, do the schoolwork, and accept the challenges that await them to make our world even better.” Livingston – Source A A legitimate paraphrase: Dr. David Livingston contends that man’s quest into space is absolutely worth the cost because we are not only learning the secrets of the universe, but we are shaping the futures of our children , teaching them to press on in becoming world-changers and conquering their own challenges (Source A). An acceptable direct quote: Dr. David Livingston contends that space exploration “provide[s] inspiration for our youngsters to grow up…and accept the challenges that await them” (Source A). A plagiarized reference: We explore space so that our children can have a brighter future and so we can give hope and provide inspiration to our youngsters.
Documenting Sources You have two choices for documenting sources: the author’s name, which is provided on the prompt page or the source letter. Either works. Just be consistent throughout the essay! Avoid the phrase “Document G states…” This is clunky and puts all the focus on the source. Your focus is better directed towards the argument that is being made or the ethos of the person doing the talking. Better approach: Michael Collins, one of the first astronauts ever in space, argues that in seeing Earth from 100,000 away, human beings are able to more greatly grasp how this “unified façade cr[ies] out for unified understanding” (Source G).
Source Reminders All sources are valid! There are no bad ones. You might just have to think a little more creatively about how to incorporate one (e.g. health report). Sources should have a conversation with one another. Think about pairing up two different sources in a body paragraph. Make sure your quotes are actually saying something. Don’t waste them!
Synthesis Tips Your paper develops an argument. You use quotations to support this argument; that is, you select, present, and discuss material specifically to make your case--in much the same way a lawyer brings evidence before a jury. Do not start or end a paragraph with a quote. The first and last impression you leave with the reader in each portion of your paper should be your own thinking. The quotes are a support for your position, not main crux of the essay. Use both direct and indirect references to your sources. Paraphrasing is effective when you are trying to capture some big concepts or points in a limited amount of space. Use direct quotes when you couldn’t rephrase a quote any better. Your sources should encourage or push back against each other. Have your sources talk! Make sure you are choosing quotes are taking a clear position, not just neutral ones that say nothing. Quotes should only be about 5-8 words long! Do not copy entire sentences into your essay. This doesn’t make your essay look more developed; it makes your essay clunky and unsophisticated. My recommendation is using 4 sources. Don’t overdo it! Trying to incorporate too many perspectives leaves little room for your own voice.
Synthesis Essay Practice: Read through the prompt. Be sure to take a position before starting to sort through sources. Annotate the sources. Don’t forget to make notes for yourself in the margins based on $SEEITT categories. Make any adjustments to your position and start writing! A short anecdote or your personal connections to the topic are a nice way to start the intro. Make sure your body paragraphs have a clear focus. $SEEIT is a good way to organize your ideas. Don’t forget those topic sentences! When talking about sources, focus on the person or organization doing the talking, not the source letter. Don’t forget to document your sources! You need both paraphrases and direct quotes. Sample quote: Michael Collins, one of the first astronauts ever in space, argues that in seeing Earth from 100,000 miles away, human beings are able to more greatly grasp how this “unified façade cr[ies] out for unified understanding” (Source G).