Unit 6 part 6 Test Javascript Test
1. Give an example of the alert function. Unit 6-6 Test JavaScript Test 1. Give an example of the alert function.
2. What is the first line of code telling the user? Unit 6-6 Test JavaScript Test 2. What is the first line of code telling the user?
3. What is the period in between the words window and alert doing? Unit 6-6 Test JavaScript Test 3. What is the period in between the words window and alert doing?
Unit 6-6 Test JavaScript Test 4. What is an alert box?
5. What is ‘passing arguments’? Unit 6-6 Test JavaScript Test 5. What is ‘passing arguments’?
6. Two facing brackets after a function tells the browser what? Unit 6-6 Test JavaScript Test 6. Two facing brackets after a function tells the browser what?