Lesson 1 Grammar
Question Of the Day What would you do to teach someone a skill? One skill I can teach someone is______. T76
Daily Proofreading we have a new student today 2. she will sat in the frunt row Check your work! 1. We have a new student today. 2. She will sit in the front row. T77
Proofreading Write and correct these sentences 3. we hopped like Ruby 4. she has a loyal dog Check your Work! 5. We hopped like Ruby. statement 6. She has a loyal dog.
Sentences: Statements and Questions A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete thought. You make sentences all the time when you talk. Sarah tumbled out of bed. Notice: the words are in order they make sense to tell a complete thought It begins with a capitol letter ends with an end mark (period) Way to go!
Sentences: Statements & Questions Sarah tumbled out of bed. One part of the sentence tells who or what Sarah and the other part tells what the who or what is or does. tumbled out of bed
Statements and Questions Remember a sentence tells a complete thought, begins with a capital letter, ends with an end mark, and uses a word order that makes sense. There are two kinds of sentences! What are they? Statements and Questions!
Statements Remember statements tell something! Are these statements? Ruby likes to hop. Does she like to run? On the board. Now you try! Write five statements in your notebook about what you observed on your first day of school!
Statements Each of these sentences are statements. A statement tells something and starts with a capital letter and ends with a period. Her bow is red. She wore a painted shirt to school. Ruby and Angela are friends.
Statements and Questions A statement tells something. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. A question asks something. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a question mark.
Statements and Questions The following sentences are part of a list of interview questions you might use if an author visited our class. Are these sentences statements or questions? This is my list of questions. How did you start writing? What is your favorite book?
Independent Practice Open your Grammar booklet! Think about someone you would like to interview. Write a statement explaining why you want to interview that person. Then write four questions you would ask that person. When you are finished, share with a partner and read each other’s lists. Be sure to check correct punctuation. Then we will share our questions as a class. T84
In Your C.W copybook Complete this questions in your notebook now! __ sits next to you? __ are you? __ time is it? __ is the test? __ I try? __ are you smiling? __ you be there? __ you do your homework?
Here are the answers! Who sits next to you? Where/how are you? What time is it? When/Where is the test? Can I try? Why are you smiling? Can/Will you be there? Did/Can you do your homework?