DCs induce the proliferation of autologous T cells. DCs induce the proliferation of autologous T cells. CFSE-stained T cells were nonstimulated (A), ConA-stimulated (B), or cocultured with DCs (C) in medium containing autologous serum. Samples were harvested on days 4 through 6 of culture for analysis by flow cytometry. Flow cytometric dot plots (FSC versus SSC) were used to exclude dead cells by gating on lymphocytes and proliferating blast cells. Dot plots (CFSE fluorescence versus SSC) were made for the gated lymphocytes. Nonstimulated lymphocytes were used to determine the fluorescence intensity for nonproliferating cells (CFSEhigh) and proliferating cells (CFSEdim). The percentage of proliferating cells within the CFSEdim region was calculated for each treatment. Note the dim fluorescence intensity of DC-stimulated proliferating T cells (C) compared to ConA-stimulated proliferating T cells (B) on day 6. Derek J. Cavatorta et al. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 2012; doi:10.1128/CVI.00308-12