Presented by Team 2: Colin Bates, and Nick Smith ME 495 EV ME 495 EV: Electric Pontiac Fiero Project Presented by Team 2: Colin Bates, and Nick Smith
Timeline Timeline
Clutch Disc Selection Clutch Disc Selection Same price as less aggressive clutch discs Protect Transmission from “torsion damage” When the motor starts up from a dead stop in gear When the motor starts up in a gear other than first etc...
Pressure Plate Selection Sufficient clamping required to take advantage of an aggressive clutch disc
Flywheel Design Flywheel Design Concept 1 Flywheel designed to reduce weight and mount directly to electric motor shaft. This design still may need a collar for strength.
Flywheel Design Flywheel Design Concept 2 High strength, low weight, but difficulty in manufacturing.
Flywheel Analysis Flywheel Analysis FEA analysis on old Flywheel. This gives us a safety factor of 7.7 but weighs 17.5 lbs.