Lessons from the Rich, Young Ruler (1) Luke 18:18-23
The rich, young ruler Luke 18:18-23 Matthew 19:16-22 Mark 10:17-22 This young ruler runs up to Jesus and kneels before Him. Calls Jesus, “Good teacher” He asked about eternal life
The rich, young ruler Jesus answered noting the need to keep the commandments After the ruler said he had kept them from youth Jesus noted the one thing he lacked – “sell all you have…” He went away sorrowful, because he was very rich
Why do you call Me good? There is respect for Jesus (Mark 10:17) Jesus noted that no one is good but God. Could Jesus have been alluding to His deity – Colossians 2:9, Luke 22:70 Jesus WAS good – John 10:11, Hebrews 4:15, 7:26, 2 Corinthians 5:21
Why do you call Me good? But Jesus contrasted Himself on this occasion (Luke 18:19) Perhaps, wanted to emphasize something – goodness (alone) will not save us! We need the grace of God – Ephesians 2:8-9 Titus 3:4-5
What shall I do…? A very good question! (Luke 18:18) Challenging because eternal life is a free gift, YET it comes at a high cost – surrendering all to Him Matthew 6:33, Luke 14:26-27, 33, 9:23
What shall I do…? A very good question! (Lk 18:18) BUT, can we ask this with wrong motives? Could one be seeking validation for some sin? One thing can keep us from heaven! James 2:10, Matthew 6:24 Sadly, many find someone to validate their sins Do we really want the true answer?
Jesus…said to him… He appealed to the LOM (Luke 18:20) We too need to appeal to God’s will only! James 1:21-22 Romans 1:16
Jesus…said to him… He built from a common foundation (Luke 18:20) Knowing hearts, Jesus knew this man – where he was He started with common ground – commands they agreed with Acts 17:22, 8:35, 16:30-32
Jesus…said to him… He loved him (Mark 10:21) Even with his problems, Jesus cared and loved him. He told him what he needed Does our love for others prompt us to try and teach them? 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 Luke 18:24
Jesus…said to him… He pointed out his error (Luke 18:22) We are not doing anyone a favor by ignoring their lost condition, or that which separates them from God The man loved his wealth and needed to change We must teach, “the whole counsel of God” – Acts 20:26-27
Jesus…said to him… He pointed out his error (Luke 18:22) Even someone with many good qualities, may have that “one thing” they need to change. There is no reason to question the honesty of this ruler – that he kept those commands Many that we approach will fit in this category! Basically good, but still lost (cf. Acts 10:1-2)
Jesus…said to him… He put the responsibility on the ruler (Luke 18:22) When the ruler walked away, it was his own choice. We cannot blame others for our refusal obey. Hebrews 9:27 Galatians 6:5 Romans 2:6
Jesus…said to him… He let him walk away (Luke 18:23) He went away sorrowful because of his wealth We can NEVER force one to obey! We have free-will Luke 9:23, 1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9 Sometimes this is all we can do
This account summarized: He came to the right source – Jesus He asked the right question He received the right answer But in the end, he made the wrong decision
What will you do with the gospel? Luke 18:18-23