What Affects your Health?
Essential Question LEQ: How does heredity and environment affect your growth and development?
Heredity All the traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents. I received my blue eyes, brown hair, and tall body type from my parents. People can also inherit genes that put people at risk for diabetes, a serious disorder that prevents the body from converting food into energy. High risk if both parents have diabetes.
Environment The sum of your surroundings, including the physical places in which you live and the people who make up your world. The culture you live in is part of your environment as well.
Physical Environment Some environmental factors that can affect your health include: Neighborhood and school safety. Air and water quality. Availability of parks, recreational facilities, and libraries. Access to medical care. 1. Identify some positive and negative influences in your physical environment. How do you use the positive influences to protect your health? How can you overcome the negative influences?
Social Environment Made up of all the people around you, including your family and peers. Peers – people of the same age who share similar interests, also include your friends. 2. What are some environmental influences that affect you socially?
Culture Refers to the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. This group may be an ethnic group, a community, a nation, or a specific part of the world. Culture may include the language you speak, the foods you eat, your spiritual beliefs, and the traditions you practice. Which factor of culture directly affects your health?
How you act? Attitude – People with better attitudes are more likely to adopt healthful habits that will influence your health in positive ways, then you’re more likely to make the decision to practice them. Optimist – people who “see the glass as half full” – are usually in better health than pessimist, who “see the glass as half empty.”
ED Puzzle Video Half Glass Full or Half Glass Empty https://edpuzzle.com/assignments/58192db564297c8e3fba246f/ watch
Media and Technology Media are the various methods for communicating information. This content is delivered via technology, such as radio, televisions, and the internet, and through print media, like newspaper and magazines. Characters in movies or TV shows may drive dangerously and act recklessly, but never seem to face any consequences associated with these behaviors. Look for web sites of high quality and cross check information.
Think, Pair, Share Find a partner and discuss what affects your health. Which of these do you have control over and which of these you do not?