Transnational Terrorism CRJ 480 Summer 2001
Introduction Networking Shared Strategic Planning Financing Transnational Terrorism Training/Equipping of Terrorists Narcoterrorism U.S. Role in Combating Transnational Terrorism Conclusion
Transnational Terrorism defined An international terrorist incident is defined by the FBI as one committed by a group or individual that is foreign-based and/or directed by countries or groups outside the United States or whose activities transcend national boundaries Show Graph for 1999 incidents
Networking Definitions Examples Interconnected system linking groups with common goals Examples Shared members Training camps Weaponry Tactics Shared Members: JRA with Palestenian Arabs Red Army Faction and Action Direct of France (NATO-target)
Shared Strategic Planning Carlos the Jackal International terrorist congress Iran/Nicaragua Frankfurt, Germany (1986): 500 terrorists from all over the world Slogan: “The armed struggle as a strategic and tactical necessity in the fight for revolution” Represented: IRA, PLO, ANC, ETA just to name a few May 1987: Iran would raise support 50% if Nicaragua would recruit Latin Americans in the US
Financing Transnational Terrorism PLO - $1 Billion Annually on investment returns Libya – donations to terrorist groups ETA – taxation of Basque business owners NORAID – Irish Northern Aid Headquarters: 273 East 194th Street, NYC In addition to money: ARMS $5 Billion worth in the mid-80’s Libya assisted IRA, ETA, JRA, Moros, in excess of $100 million per year Revolutionary taxes were established by PLO as a means to fund ETA training NORAID set up by Michael Flannery; money came from fundraising dinners, as did arms
Training/Equipping of Terrorists Cuba : operation of training camps since 1961 Soviet Union: camps in Eastern Europe, Cuba, Syria in 60’s/70’s Equipping Arms from Libya, Soviet Union Safe harbor, freedom of movement Castro accepted recruits from all over the world Claire Sterling, author of The Terror Network, stated that known terrorists were able to travel freely through Eastern Europe, receiving medical care for injuries received on missions and acquired false passports and documents that enabled them to penetrate the Western nations School for the Americas: US offered training in the use of weapons of violence to leaders and groups engaged in “legitimate” struggles within their nations
Narcoterrorism Networking of the trade in drugs and terrorism Three main players: Terrorist groups Governments Drug cartels How do they work together? Terrorist Groups: Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path-funded by Peruvian coca growers/drug traffickers) -responsible for 1997 overtaking of Japanese Embassy in Lima Governments: PLO(hashish in Lebanon), Iran, Cuba Drug Cartels: Juan Mata Ballesteros (Columbian)
U.S. Role in Combating Transnational Terrorism No concessions to terrorist demands Seek out relentlessly and punish terrorists wherever they may be, using the combined assets of U.S. law enforcement, diplomacy, intelligence Designate states which sponsor terrorism, and impose a wide range of U.S. sanctions against them Seek maximum cooperation from other governments According to the office of Secretary of State
Summary/Conclusion Solutions to Problem DETERRENCE and DEFENSE National Commission on Terrorism Reiterate that already discussed