Your Project Title Here… Your Name Here…1 , Other authors… 2, other…2 , other…2 , and your mentor, PhD2 1 Your school here, Indianapolis, IN, and 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN Please include these logos on your poster where you see fit. You may adjust this poster as you wish, it is YOUR poster. However, please refer to the Poster Guidelines OVERVIEW: Your abstract overview here OBJECTIVES: This ongoing research investigates … RESULTS: You may incorporate images into your results also SUMMARY: Other box / content may be more appropriate here METHODS: Insert your methods here CONCLUSION: Your conclusions here INTRODUCTION: Intro here, FUTURE WORK: Discussion of the future work on this project is optional. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I would like to thank the American Chemical Society Indiana Section and National membership, The ACS office on Project SEED, the Indianapolis SEED Committee, the Indiana CTSI, the IUPUI School of Science, the Indiana University Foundation and the … (your MENTOR’s institution, ex. The IUPUI School of Science, the IU School of Dentistry). List other grants / mentors your lab may want to credit … in addition to your department and school – example: Department of Biology, IUPUI School of Science REFERENCES: Insert references here