Tammie Shelton Elkins Elementary counselor Bullying Tammie Shelton Elkins Elementary counselor
What is bullying? Bullying is an imbalance of power. Bullying is repeated and purposeful. Bullying is not a one time incident.
Types of Bullying Physical Verbal Social Cyber
David’s Law SB 179 - David's Law 85th Texas Legislative Session Relating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and encouraging certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty, providing a civil remedy.
How to Report Bullying? For a student or parent to report bullying, go to the website below and complete the online anonymous reporting form or contact the school. An investigation will occur with each report. http://www.emsisd.com/Page/190 You can always call and speak to the counselor or an administrator if your child is having any issues.
How can parents/guardians help? Model respect and acceptance. Stay on top of your child’s social media accounts. You need access to these accounts. Put parental securities on all phones, as well. Teach your child to speak up for himself or herself. Be your child’s voice when they can’t speak. Take notice of any major behavior changes and question your child about his/her day.
Sources www.stopbullying.gov www.emsisd.com http://www.davidslegacy.org/davidslaw-anti-cyberbullying-pledge/