The purges of the Armed forces and the NKVD Learning Outcome: To understand which groups and the effects on Stalin and the Soviet Union.
Why do you think Stalin wanted to purge the Soviet secret police 3 reasons. Yagoda: Head of the NKVD- Murdered. Replaced by Nikolai Yezhov.
Activity Purge Why did Stalin do this? What did he do? NKVD Removal of Yagoda: Purge of NKVD Armed forces
RECAP Examples of Show trials. Make key notes on Purge of the right: Trial of the 17 Show trials Key individuals/ reasons for trial Results: Purge of the right: Trial of the 17: 1937 Third Moscow show trial: Trial of the 21: 1938
Impact of the terror: Social impact Political Impact Economic impact
In the 20’s and opposed Stalin in the 30’s removed. The initial focus was on the Leningrad party but extended to every section of the Party, every part of the country and every group of the population e.g. In Georgia 80,000 were executed. The army was weakened so it posed no challenge to Stalin and the NKVD remained loyal Older communists, remaining members of Lenin’s government, people who supported Trotsky In the 20’s and opposed Stalin in the 30’s removed. In the workplace Communist party officials and factory managers lied about production Levels to avoid arrest. Social bonds of friendship broke down in climate of fear. Purges within Gosplan removed economists making accurate economic planning difficult. Every social class affected but skilled workers and Intelligentsia e.g. managers, scientists, Historians and writers affected most. The party was totally obedient to any of Stalin’s demands and could not restrain him. By 1939 Stalin had achieved unrivalled dominance due to terror. Purge led to a shortage of professional expertise e.g. statisticians and managers leading to an economic slowdown in 1937. Families and friends of those arrested were targeted e.g. Radek’s family were executed. All leading political opponents removed (Finally Stalin by 1940).
What would you say are the 3 biggest changes to the USSR due to the purges. 1 2 3