Instabilities in Inductive Discharges


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Presentation transcript:

Instabilities in Inductive Discharges SFR Workshop November 8, 1999 A. M. Marakhtanov, M. A. Lieberman, and A. J. Lichtenberg Berkeley, CA This work aims to investigate unstable behavior of plasma in inductive discharges with attaching gases. 4/10/2019

End-On View of 5.4 mTorr SF6 Discharge TCP Experiment PMT Plasma Inductive Coil Video Langmuir Probe End-On View of 5.4 mTorr SF6 Discharge Capacitive 450 W Unstable 595 W Inductive 900 W 4/10/2019

Range of Instability in SF6 Discharge 4/10/2019

Fluctuation of Light Emission vs. Power 90 mTorr SF6 80 mTorr 65 mTorr 50 mTorr 40 mTorr 25 mTorr 10 mTorr 4/10/2019

Fluctuation of Light Emission vs. SF6 Pressure 35 90 80 P=760 W 30 P=650 W 70 25 60 Frequency of light signal, kHz Frequency of light signal, kHz 20 50 P=650 W 40 15 30 10 20 5 10 5 10 15 20 20 40 60 80 100 Pressure, mTorr Pressure, mTorr 4/10/2019

Langmuir probe current time history pSF6 = 5.2 mTorr, 500 W -300 14 - 460 10 V=0 V=28 V - 620 6 0.2 ms 0.2 ms - 15 29 PROBE CURRENT, A - 30 25 V=14 V V=-14 V - 45 21 0.2 ms 0.2 ms - 1 44 - 9 40 V=10 V V=-28 V - 17 36 TIME 0.2 ms TIME 0.2 ms 4/10/2019

Theoretical Model of Instability 4/10/2019

Theoretical Model of Instability pSF6 = 5 mTorr, ICOIL =8.2 A 0.4 n e 1 10 5 dne/dt=0 n - - n 10 e T 10 20 F dn-/dt=0 0.4 G - -1 10 1 -4 -2 10 10 10 optical emission n (1010 cm-3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 e t,ms 4/10/2019

Progress vs Milestones Year 1 Mapping of inductive plasma instability regions inside TCP source. (Done) Observation of optical emission modulations due to instabilities. (Done) Develop theoretical model of instabilities (Done); to appear in Applied Physics Letters (December 1999). Year 2 Add additional TCP plasma diagnostics. (Done) Further develop theory for electronegative instabilities in inductive discharges. (Done) Bring high flow Lam oxide etch prototype on-line. (In progress) Future Work Continue work on the TCP, characterizing the influence of the matching network and power supply on the instabilities. Incorporate these effects into our global model of instability. Initiate instability studies on a Lam high flow oxide etch prototype TCP reactor. 4/10/2019