Past Paper Friday You wouldn’t take your driving test without practising in the car first!!? Would you? Make sure you go into your exams having practised first. NOW is the time to start doing past papers – it will have the biggest impact if you start now! Starts: FRIDAY 15th FEBRUARY (TOMORROW) in the KS4 Hub BO7 at Break time and Friday after school for the first 15 minutes All past papers and mark schemes printed out. Take a few away with you. Have a go, mark yourself, collect more Learn the key words / the tricks / what they are asking for Make your own luck
Why are past papers useful? Show you the bits you know and focuses you on what you don’t know You learn lots whilst doing them You can check it yourself with the mark scheme – try open book first if you are worried. Do a few questions at a time – you don’t have to sit and do the whole thing in one go the first time HINT FOR THOSE GOING FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE Repeat the same past paper to check you learnt the first time Keep a record – prove to yourself it has helped – build your confidence