Wednesday, 9/5/18 Modern World History – subject for the day Intro to course Goals/activities Introduction of each other Distribution of text book Peruse syllabus Discuss what you put on back of card with group. Choose one to share with the class. Homework: Get composition book (for journal)
National Louis University Grad Mr. Jacoby 30 years History Teacher Traveler CR Grad and ESU Grad National Louis University Grad Holland Junior High Germany CR High School CR High School South Navy Reservist Italy Iraq
Countries visited by Mr. Jacoby ASIA Israel India China Japan South Korea Kuwait Iraq AFRICA Egypt Kenya THE AMERICAS Bahamas Costa Rica Bermuda Mexico Canada Dominican Repub. EUROPE Andorra Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Monaco Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom The Vatican Countries visited by Mr. Jacoby Countries visited which no longer exist: Socialist Republic of Romania Czechoslovakia East Germany (DDR)
Example: Dropping second Atomic Bomb on Japan was the correct decision by saving lives and elevating our status as a nation. Evidence it was the correct decision: Studies showed a million American soldiers would die with a direct invasion of Japan. Just look at how they defended outer islands to the last man. Russians would fear and respect our awesome and unique power Japan deserved revenge for surprise attack on Pearl Harbor The war would end more quickly, saving Japanese civilian lives, Japanese soldiers, American soldiers and allied soldiers. And, Japan would stop attacking area nations. We would show that value and new elevation of science above power We would prove to be the most powerful nation, the only one willing and able to create and use Atomic weaponry.
Thursday, 9/6/18 Modern World History – subject for the day Intro to all sections to be covered Goals/activities Journal #1: Turn your discussion on 3x5 card (from yesterday) into a one-two paragraph entry with a thesis, evidence, and analysis. LABEL WITH JOURNAL NUMBER AND DATE. Share with group. Choose the most fascinating... Read to class. With your group, decide who will do each of the essays assigned to your group. More info on essay requirement tomorrow. Discuss the seven different sections of this course Homework: Read first section (Renaissance (336-345)) and take notes of some kind – one to two pages (no more than two, no less than one) – keep notes in a separate folder or notebook. Next homework will be to interview parents (or someone) about their experience and view of 9-11.
Friday, 9/7/18 Modern World History – subject for the day Intro to Renaissance Goals/activities HW check. (336-345) // discuss what you know about Wld. Journal #2: Why is it a good place in history to start this course with the Renaissance? Provide evidence. Two paragraphs. PPT on Renaissance // Burke and Burkhardt comparison Homework: Interview parents (or someone) about their experience and view of 9-11. Interview several people. Write down some of their answers and thoughts. Ignore the changes I made yesterday to due days of essays