Academic year 2015-2016 Prof. Antonio Montañés Econometrics Academic year 2015-2016 Prof. Antonio Montañés
Course objective Learn to estimate causal relationships between economic variables Interpret this causal models in economic terms Predict the future evolution of economic variables
Contents Theme 1. Introduction Part I. The General Linear Model Theme 2. Specification and estimation Theme 3. Validation Theme 4. Prediction Part II. Some extensions of the GLM Theme 5. Functional Form Theme 6. Multicollinearity Theme 7. Generalized Least Squares Theme 8. Autocorrelation Theme 9. Heteroskedasticity
Organization Thursday: theoretical class at room M-2 Friday: practical class at room Info 2 (computer room). We will use GRETL
Bibliography Econometric Analysis, 2011, (7th Edition) W. H. Greene, Prentice-Hall Slides included in the web page of the course - Notes (mostly written in Spanish)
Evaluation We will have two partial exams (PEI and PEII) at the end of parts I (November) and II (January). Computer. We will have a Final Exam (FE). No computer. The final grade will be obtained as follows: Final Gradei = max{Ci, FEi} with Ci = 0,2 * PEIi + 0,2 * PEIIi + 0,6*FEi FEi = Final Exam score of the i-th student PEIi = Partial Exam I score of the i-th student PEIIi = Partial Exam II score of the i-th student
Tutorials Please be free to come to my office at the moment you have an econometric doubt. Tutorials: Wednesday: 10:00-12:00 Thursday: 10:00-11.00/13:00-14:00 Friday: 11:00-13:00