TUESday, January 16, 2018 Day 96 Happy Tuesday! I hope your long weekend was great. Please quietly find your new seats. NO GRUMBLING. Fill in your agenda. Then get ready for a math drill. If you were gone on Friday, you need to take the mini-quiz. Please get that from Mrs. Rath now.
We will be working quietly on MATHia today. WEEK 21 4th hour We will be working quietly on MATHia today. We are NOT working on Prodigy. You know the rules and expectations, please don’t be a problem for yourself or others. Get your laptop and get started. All of Module 5 is due February 16. Module 6: Unit 1 is due March 1. If you are done with Module 5, you may do Prodigy or other homework.
Please have your homework out and ready to be checked. WedneSday, January 17, 2018 Day 97 Yay, It’s Wednesday! Please have your homework out and ready to be checked. Distribute job cards, and then quietly start the WEEK 21 WARM-UP on a new full piece of paper.
Solve for x. 2(3x + 4) = 19 2. 6.4 = 1.2(4 + 2x)
Please have your homework out and ready to be checked. Thursday, January 18, 2018 Day 98 Happy Thursday! Please have your homework out and ready to be checked. Distribute job cards, and then quietly start today’s warm-up.
Friday, January 19, 2018 Day 99 T.G.I.F!!!! First, please put your Week 21 Warm-Up paper in the tray. (Make sure it has all of the correct information on it.) Second, get a pencil and “pen” ready for our math drill. Third, please go over your homework answers with your group members. We are not going to have a mini-quiz today (yay!)