BR: 3/22/17 What aspects of your amendment does your presentation cover well? What parts might need some help? You have 20 minutes to work on your PSA for feedback. The next 10 minutes will be a chance for you to do the Charrette Protocol. What’s that? Glad you asked!
Charrette Protocol* (~10 min) Presentation (3 minutes): Presenters present their topic to another group. The other group listens (don’t interrupt; you’ll get a chance to respond. Take notes as they talk). If you run out of things to say, sit silently. You might be inspired to add something! Framing Question (1 minute): Presenter asks a specific question or two to help structure the feedback from the listeners. Example: “What could I explain better…?” or “What things might you be confused about…?” Feedback (2 minutes): Listeners give suggestions. Presenters listen, take notes (listen quietly! No Interrupting!) Note: keep feedback helpful, specific, and kind Open Discussion (2 minutes): Presenters and listeners have a dialogue about the suggestions / feedback. *Note: Each section will be timed, and we ALL change together.
HW: Finish Your PSA! First, drop by Mr. Wright’s desk to get an first draft grade for your poster and feedback. Use the feedback that you received, continue working on your PSA and get it ready for next time (Thursday, Mar. 30th)