Literacy Phonics Maths Notices Newsletter Reception Class 9th September 2016 Literacy This week we have started our topic which is ‘All About Me’. We have been talking about our likes, dislikes and our families. We have been reading stories about starting school and different families. We have had some superb discussions and have shared lots of ideas in our key groups. A big well done to everyone in Reception for completing your first full week in school! I am extremely proud of everyone you have all settled in brilliantly and have all been working very hard. I am a very proud teacher. Well done and keep up the brilliant work, Miss Brown. Phonics This week we have learnt our first sounds which are ‘s’ and ‘a’. We have been looking at their formations and have been finding different things around the classroom that start with these sounds. Maths This week we have been learning to recognise and write numbers 1-5. You have all tried very hard and have made excellent progress, well done! It would be lovely if parents could play lots of fun number games as this will help your child to develop their number recognition. Notices This weeks homework is sound ‘s’ and ‘a’ in your child’s sound book. Please can I stress the importance of reading with your child at home. Please can you try to aim to read with your child for 10 minutes every night. Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown.