Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature Meeting 12-13 March 2015 Agenda item 4 Implementation of Target 2 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy
4.1 EU Biodiversity Strategy –Target 2-Status. Information point MAES Forest workshop Dec '14 9th meeting of WG - reference document on NCA, new pilots (soil and urban), deliverables at EU and MS level, hands-on workshops. ESMERELDA support action under H-2020. Further work on marine systems continues with DG ENV marine unit and MARE.
4.1 EU Biodiversity Strategy –Target 2-Status. ctd. GI and Restoration- Implementation of GI strategy. Take-up of GI under EU funding mechanisms. RPFs at national level-only NL and DE have replied to the Commission-link to LIFE. No Net Loss-public consultation complete, NNL initiative scheduled for 2016, support contract for developing IA is underway. Biodiversity Proofing-guidance doc's are available for all the major EU funding mechanisms.
4.2. Future work on GI, inc. the role of the GI WG - Discussion point. 3 meetings in 2014. Exchange of information on EU, MS, business and civil society-led GI initiatives. > preferably in electronic format Elaboration of WG documents on (i) glossary; (ii) recommendations of WG to Directors' meetings (first example for Water Directors); (iii) monitoring GI. Upcoming: Check GI financing in OPs. Stakeholder groups (businesses and NGOs) well represented. MS representatives present were very active but general participation of MS delegates low - not sufficient to get a consolidated picture of GI implementation in EU-28 GI roadmap for 2015 puts more emphasis on jobs and growth agenda. 2 WG meetings + specific workshops foreseen. Question to CGBN members: How to improve participation in WG? How to raise profile of GI? Topic for ensuring high-level support in Nature Directors meeting?
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