ABA Section of Labor & Employment Law (the Section) Outreach to Law Students Program
Purpose of the Sections Outreach to Law Students Program To encourage student interest in the area of labor and employment law. To inform students about real life practice as a labor and employment lawyer. To advise of resources offered through membership in the Section.
Labor and Employment Law Encompasses Several Different Perspectives Representing Employers (law firm or in house) Representing Unions (law firm or in house) Representing Employees (individually or through class actions) Representing the Public (Local, State, and Federal Government) Neutrals (arbitrators, mediators, etc.)
Examples of Labor and Employment Law Practice Areas Employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age and disability, harassment based on family and medical leave Legal rights and duties of employees, employers and unions under the National Labor Relations Act or state labor boards Arbitration (labor arbitration and employment arbitration) and alternative dispute resolution (e.g., mediation) Employee benefits arising under ERISA or through non- ERISA governed plans Rights and responsibilities of employees including wrongful termination, privacy, employment-based torts, covenants- not-to-compete, and duty to preserve trade secrets.
Examples of Labor and Employment Law Practice Areas (cont.) Wage and Hour Litigation - Fair Labor Standards Act and state law equivalents (overtime and minimum wage violations), Equal Pay Act, prevailing wage claims, and employee polygraph tests Occupational Safety and Health law Railway and Airline Labor Law Internal union administration and procedure Workers Compensation Immigration Law, including employee and employer issues, employer sanctions, discrimination
Labor and Employment Lawyers Can Work in Many Different Forums Litigation Forums Federal Courts – E.g., ERISA claims State Courts – E.g., discrimination claims Other bodies – E.g., arbitrations and workers compensation appeals boards Public/Neutral Forums Administrative Agencies NLRB EEOC DOL OSHA ADR –arbitration, mediation, fact-finding, etc.
Panelist Presentations Introduction How did you get where you are in your career? What is your daily working life like? How do you balance career and family? What tips do you have for those hoping to enter the labor and employment law field?
Options for students looking for work in Labor and Employment Law Law Clerk /student associate position at a firm Tip: Build relationships through bar association participation (ABA, state, and local bar associations) Tip: Use your Career Services Office/Program and be aware of on-campus interview opportunities Externships/Internships available via governmental agencies Labor/Employment Professor Research Assistant Judicial Clerkships
Student Membership in the ABA Career advancement resources, such as resume building and networking. Provides timely information about current events in the legal profession, national competitions and writing contests. Special discounts on bar review courses. $25.00 annual membership or $60 for three year membership.
Section Membership Its FREE for ABA student members Ability to network with and learn from leaders in the practice of Labor and Employment law Scholarships to section programs (Section Annual Conference and Midwinter Meetings) where you can listen to presentations on the latest issues Three issues of ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law and four issues of the Section newsletter Special discounts on Section publications
Section Opportunities for Law Student Members Section Law Student Liaison to Standing Committees Program – A funded position for one law student member of the Section to act as law student liaison to one Section Standing Committees (EEO, ERR, EBC) for a two year term. Annual Trial Advocacy Competition - During fall/winter term, law students conduct trials of an employment case before Section members serving as judges and jurors.
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