The most comprehensive program for NAIC analysis Short Overview The most comprehensive program for NAIC analysis
Stock Selection Guide (SSG) Graph Full size, easy to read Computer/User trend/projections Outliers Preferred Procedure Latest Q box Dynamic readouts Price zoning bar The SSG Graph can be viewed all at once on the screen. Use Ctrl-R to resize the window if it becomes unmanageable in size. The user has full flexibility to drag the ends of the trend and projection lines to measure the data in any way. This action is meant to replicate how you did this with pencil and ruler. Alternatively,an outlier may be removed by a click on the year label. Your EPS projection may be tested by using the Preferred Procedure - labeled Revenue Based EPS on the floating toolbar. The Latest Quarterly results box shows with a click on the toolbar and always prints out. As you move your trend or projection lines, the growth % numbers at the bottom of the graph will move at the same time. The price zoning bar becomes activated after you have done your analysis and estimated your 5-year high and low prices.
SSG Graph Preferred Procedure and Selected Graphics While viewing the SSG Graph, the floating toolbar gives you access to these two items. Preferred Procedure is labeled Revenue Based EPS. This window provides historical data and sales projections from the graph. This data helps you to check what EPS growth rate can be supported by sales under the conditions you estimate from the data. The Selected Graphics window is useful for more advanced investors. It lists over 23 items for choice. When graphed, the data shows the slope and % of growth over the 10 year period, along with the R2 (r-squared) for consistency, the scale factor for each data point, and the value for the last year’s data point.
Stock Selection Guide (SSG) Analysis Easy to read Optional debt analysis Strike-outs Optional projected P/E Unrestricted judgment Simple and weighted averages Stock Analyst PLUS! features in the Stock Selection Guide analysis include these items. Some of these are set on or off through the menu line item labeled Options/Global Options. The SA+ manual will suggest which items are meant for more experienced investors. When you apply judgment to your analysis, you may strike-out data with a click on the yellow cell. Go to the Add Judgment button on the floating toolbar to make other changes. Data altered will be struck out until you reset the calculation to the computer calculation. A Projected PE ratio may be used. Its value will depend on how you calculate the projected EPS. There are 3 ways to do this. Choice is made in the Options menu item. Weighted averages give more importance to the more recent data.
SSG Analysis Management Graphics and Low Price Selection Part 2 of the Stock Selection Guide Analysis can be seen in a graphic format for easy interpretation of the trends. In Part 4 there are several low price choices in a drop-down menu. The larger selection of choices shown here is offered when Stock Analyst PLUS! is set to the Experienced operating level. You may also type in your own choice. This is done within the Global Options from the menu line. Simple and easy interpretations and selections
(PMG) Portfolio Management Guide Tracks Company Performance (Value) Graph and Report Up to 6 years of data Relative Value history The Portfolio Management Guide consists of two forms. The Report shows the data numerically. The data is transferred automatically to the graph. The PMG tracks company performance in relation to value items developed within the Stock Selection Guide.
(PERT) Portfolio Evaluation Review Technique PERT Q and Y Track company growth and profits Divisions by FY Latest reported Q Graphics The PERT forms are used to monitor the quarterly results for stocks that you follow. You want to make sure that the company is meeting your goals for revenue (sales) and EPS growth that you set in the SSG Graph. You may also watch the figures for profitability (pre-tax income as a % of sales) and pre-tax profit and tax rates. The forms are color coded by years for easier viewing. The latest quarter is shown by the yellow line, as you set in the quarterly data entry window. The PERT forms show data numerically as well as graphically.
PERT Graphics For the Advanced User Help visualize cumulative quarterly and yearly results Up to 6 years of data Show characteristics not easily discernable in numerical data The two PERT Graphics forms show at a glance the trends for the figures from the numerical windows.
Balance Sheet and Notes For Advanced Users The first* information to review before analysis Safety and financial strength Capital structure Record of comments for your future recollection The Balance Sheet is considered an advanced section of Stock Analyst PLUS! Users with an accounting background are most likely to find this form especially meaningful. However, there are items that may provide insight for relative beginners. The NAIC Official Guide says that before using the Stock Selection Guide you should check that the company is financially sound and debt is not a threat. These items are covered within the Balance Sheet here. The Notes window in Stock Analyst is useful to record your comments about the company and your analysis. This jogs your memory concerning your analysis decisions when you return to the company study days or weeks later. *Introductory paragraph to SSG in NAIC Official Guide
Comparison Guide Multiple Comparison Guides at the same time Add judgment to each row 16 additional items in ‘Other’ section Graphics Before purchasing a company it is wise to look at other companies in the same industry. You want to find the best one. Up to 5 companies may be compared in one Stock Comparison Guide. The computer will mark the ‘Best’ cell for each row (according to a formula). Your task is to review each row and apply judgment. You may turn off/on the yellow markers. You may add two more comparison items from a choice of 16.
Comparison Guide Compare graphically any of 25 items for the selected companies See each company’s performance in each category 25 items may be graphed to show a visual comparison among companies.
PERT Summary, Sort, Challenge Tree The PERT Summary is useful to summarize stocks you are following. It shows recent quarterly results for comparison with targets set in your SSG. It gives insight into the stock’s P/E values currently and historically. Your whole database of companies can be seen by accessing the Sort window from the menu line Comparisons. You may sort by any of 20 items. Alerts may be set to show positive and negative values for each company. Another comparison form is the Challenge Tree. Here you may compare two companies using some data brought in by Stock Analyst PLUS! from your SSG. Other cells require your comments to show comparison.
Updating from keyboard updating from NAIC/S&P Datafiles (yearly, quarterly, and balance sheet) price updating from the Internet price updating from STB - BBS (with Prospector software) price exchange with other programs (Quicken,etc.) links to Prospector for analyzing companies Internet link to company’s site Internet link to other favorite sites Updating may be done manually or electronically. Updating of prices is easy from sources on the Internet such as Yahoo! Each consecutive version of Stock Analyst has benefited from improvements possible due to technology changes with the Internet. Prospector software users may also subscribe to the STB Bulletin Board Service and benefit from quick price updating into SA+. Direct Internet links are provided through Stock Analyst PLUS! to make researching companies possible with a click of a button.
Portfolios Measures How your Holdings are Performing The Portfolios section of Stock Analyst PLUS! is useful for tracking groups of stocks. You may enter as many portfolios as you wish. For example: club stocks, personal stocks for various accounts, a hot list, a DRIP (dividend reinvestment plan) list (one portfolio per company). You will notice that the Portfolio also shows the Alerts that you set within the Sort window. Each line shows a stock’s performance as well as the upside-downside ratio, relative value, and total return projections from your SSG analysis. At the bottom is a summary of data and results for the whole portfolio. Several buttons at the bottom provide links to more information. (See the next 2 slides.) Full summary for individual stocks and portfolio
Diversification Shows portfolio balance... by sector, size, and currency... numerically and graphically The portfolio diversification can be viewed by sector, size of company (by market capitalization or sales), sector, and currency.
Cost of Switching and Planner Follow NAIC principles... Invest for the long term Buy and hold well-managed good quality growth stocks The cost of switching function is useful to show you the risk and financial costs of selling one company and buying another. It takes into account taxes, commissions, and potential total returns. The Retirement Planner helps you to try ‘what if’ scenarios for pre and post retirement situations. These two features of SA+ reinforce the NAIC idea of buy and hold well-managed good quality growth stocks.
Reports and Other Items 20+ Printed Reports multi-page report printing clean and appealing appearance full color (for color printers) + + + + beginner/advanced user modes on-line Help and Glossary User Manual and Investor Guide NAIC Approved, and lots more Stock Analyst PLUS! offers over 20 printed reports. Other features include:
The most comprehensive program for NAIC analysis Demonstration The most comprehensive program for NAIC analysis